Mr. Bob Mecoy

Bob Mecoy Literary Agency

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Bob Mecoy

Bob Mecoy Literary Agency

66 Grand Street, Suite One
New York, NY 10013
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Graphic Novel


Current Affairs/Politics
Humor/Gift Book
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Known Clients (current & past)
Matthew Currier Burden
Doug Farrago
David Lynn Golemon
Michael Guillebeau
Timothy Hallinan
Howard Andrew Jones
Paul Kemp
Mary Anne Mohanraj
Scott Oden
Jim Ottaviani
Tintin Pantoja
Lissa Marie Redmond
Mary Rodgers
Maria Snyder
Mark St. Amant
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/18/2023 06:36 PM
I'm not repped by him anymore. I do not recommend. He was nice on the phone, and had solid feedback about my book pitch. But aside from that, he was very unreliable, and would not return emails or many phone calls. He never sold anything or followed up with me when he said he would. He seemed to be unwell quite a bit and expressed that this is why he wouldn't get back to me. He was nice enough on the phone and definitely 'got' what I was doing...which is why it's such a shame that he just let my book sit on his caseload for over a year and a half with very little correspondance. I wish I would have seen these earlier reviews and saved myself a lot of grief leaving him sooner. I poured my heart into the book I made and I felt it was disrespected.
11/22/2021 10:32 PM
Web site hasn't been updated since Dec 2014. Most recent sale (according to was in 2006.
11/11/2021 04:03 PM
I am no longer repped by Mr. Mecoy. Although I found him to be very skillful on the editorial/MS prep side of things, he never sold anything I sent him. While that is not unusual, I found out a couple of months ago that I lost a deal because he failed to send in the finalized/signed agreement. And he lied to me about submitting a different MS to a particular publisher. (Assured me he had sent it in and even corresponded with the lead editor. When I followed up - having just learned that he had not completed the other deal - I was told they had never seen my MS.) Because of this I no longer recommend querying Mr. Mecoy. YMMV
06/12/2021 06:12 PM
03/08/2021 08:36 PM
He advised of too high of a word count advising to get it down to 100,000. When responded nearly at 100,000 he then advised he wanted 80,000 and referred to my manuscript as bloated without ever having read a word of it.
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