Send a Query to Saritza Hernández at Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Thank you so much for considering me for your representation! Please complete as many options below as possible, and I will get back to you as soon as I am able.
A few tips when querying me:
- Avoid using passive voice in your query. Hook me with your first sentence and keep me engaged throughout your query, synopsis, and sample pages.
- For FICTION: Keep your synopsis to 2-pages, single-spaced. It should show characterization, setting, conflict, resolution and for romance category, the HEA or HFN. (Learn more about how to write your submission materials here:
- Follow submission guidelines:
- In FICTION, I am more interested in your work than your writing/pub credits so make sure it's the Work that stands out in your query.
- In NONFICTION, your platform is key! Make sure that's clearly evident in your proposal.
Tell me what makes you the right person for this work: (ie: Chef with 15 years of culinary experience, TikTok sensation with more than 1 million followers, History Professor at (name of University here), etc.) - I require a one-sentence pitch (or logline) of your work. If you pitched this to me via a pitch contest, copy and paste the text from that post into that section of the form.
- ROMANCE works should meet the romance novel criteria as defined by the RWA: Your story is not a romance if it does not meet the criteria.
- ILLUSTRATORS - I am looking for creators who illustrate any group from picture books, chapter books, middle grade, and YA, those with an art/text dummy as well as those who want to illustrate others' work. Simply put "SEEKING ART REPRESENTATION" in lieu of a title below. And "0" or "1" for Word Count. In the sample section, simply write "n/a". Please only upload art samples in the upload section. DO NOT upload FULL manuscripts. If interested, I will request to read the full manuscript.
- Picture Books, Chapter Books
- Short story collections
- Inspirational works with overtly religious overtones
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