Send a Query to Elana Roth Parker at Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
For everyone else:
Thanks for thinking of me for your project! I am currently looking for:
✶ High-concept, commercial middle-grade and YA fiction. The more fun and escapist, the better.
✶ Adult commercial fiction (romance, romcom, mystery/thriller, upmarket women's fiction). I'm open to accessible fantasy/sci-fi. Fun, escapist reads. Great hooks. Great writing.
Before you hit SUBMIT, please make sure your query letter includes:
- a short pitch (the one-liner to sum all up)
- a short plot summary (the set-up and the hook of the story, basically)
- and a short bio.
If applicable, please also include publisher submission history and previous publishing credits. If you are a debut author, do not worry. Debut authors are always welcome.
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