Send a Query to Kimberly Fernando at Olswanger Literary
WELCOME! I'm building my list in the ADULT fiction space and select nonfiction.
More about me and the genres I represent/wish lists:
Note that I do not represent children's books (Picture Books, Chapter Books, Middle Grade, or Young Adult).
PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME YOUNG ADULT (YA) - YA is an automatic pass since I do not represent it.
Additional Notes:
** For fiction, be sure your manuscript is complete and polished.
** For nonfiction, please submit a full nonfiction book proposal.
** Please only submit to one Olswanger literary agent at a time.
** I don't represent books that are (or have been) already published. Unfortunately, that will be an automatic pass, but I am open to other manuscripts that are complete, polished, and have never been published before.
** I also do not represent books that are AI-assisted or AI-generated in full or in part (AI = Artificial Intelligence). I believe wholeheartedly in genuine human creativity and original works that have not been mined from other hard-working authors.
I look forward to reading your work and aim to respond within six weeks. If this timeline becomes longer, I'll update on Twitter. Thank you for your query!
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