Send a Query to Camille Burns at Diamond Kahn & Woods Literary Agency

Hello! Thank you so much for your interest. I'm always excited to read submissions from potential clients and to find that X factor...

I'm keen to see lots of variety and to not be too prescriptive in what I do and don't want to see. If you feel like your work is something I might like, but can't see the genre listed below, select the closest available. Please do not send picture book, short story, poetry or adult non-fiction/memoir submissions at this time.

Please note: I am currently only accepting submissions from authors based in the UK, Ireland and the Commonwealth.

To submit your work, please fill in the form below and include your elevator pitch, the first 5 chapters of your work and a synopsis in the fields provided. Your synopsis should include the full plot outline (including the ending!) and ideally be 1-2 pages in length. Your elevator (one sentence) pitch should convey your book’s central concept, or hook. It is your answer to the question ‘what’s your novel about?’ but also, crucially, ‘why should the reader care?’ For tips on how to write your elevator pitch, check out this article:

I do not believe in asking authors to send their material on an exclusive basis, as it is not in your best interests to do so; however, I do ask that you let me know, via QueryManager, if you have had a full request from another agent. Please also use the notification system on QueryManager to let me know when you receive an offer of representation (please do not use this function to inform me of a full request).

Agents need to balance time spent looking at new submissions with work on behalf of their existing clients. Although I can’t promise to do so in a personalized way for every submission, I do respond to every submission. Please don’t be disheartened if you receive a form-like response, or if I'm quick to decline your work - there are many reasons I may not be the right agent for a writer and another agent may respond quite differently.

Best of luck,


Optional: Sign in to QueryTracker

A QueryTracker account is NOT required to send a query. If you are not a member of QueryTracker, you can skip this step.

Signing into QueryTracker will link this query to your QueryTracker account, allowing it to be automatically tracked and displayed in QueryTracker for your convenience.
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Step 1: Tell us about the author

Fill in these author-related fields.

Your query replies will be sent to this email address.

Tell us a little about yourself and any writing credentials you may have. If this is already in your query letter, put it here again as well. Feel free to expand on it further than what you included in the query letter.
Have you ever been represented by a literary agent before?    
Have you previously published other books?    
Leave blank if none. A referral is when someone reviewed your work, and then suggested you query this agent. It should be someone this agent knows or is aware of.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.

Step 2: Tell us about the book

Fill in these book-related fields.

Enter the approximate word count of your book.
Do NOT enter page count.
Genre: (required)
This agent is only seeking the genres shown in this list. If your book's genre is not shown here, please go to QueryTracker to find agents and publishers who are seeking your genre.
Synopsis: (required)
The formatting will be converted to block paragraphs without indenting, in order to standardize on a format. Pasting large blocks of text can take several seconds.
Enter a one sentence pitch for your book. If this is already in your query letter, put it here again as well.
Who will want to read your book. For example, girls under 12, fans of John Grisham, etc. If this is already in your query letter, put it here again as well.
List some books that are similar to yours. If this is already in your query letter, put it here again as well.
Is this book currently published or has it ever been published before?    
Paste the first 5 Chapters of your book (or, if the book is nonfiction, include the full book proposal.): (required)
The formatting will be converted to block paragraphs without indenting, in order to standardize on a format. Pasting large blocks of text can take several seconds.

Optional: Sign in to QueryTracker

A QueryTracker account is NOT required to send a query. If you are not a member of QueryTracker, you can skip this step.

Signing into QueryTracker will link this query to your QueryTracker account, allowing it to be automatically tracked and displayed in QueryTracker for your convenience.
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Final Step: Submit Your Query

Submit your query, or save a draft so you can come back and complete it later.

Important: After submitting your query, you will receive a personalized link to a special page that you can visit any time to check your query's status. If the agent would like to read more, they will contact you through that page as well as through email.
Query Draft Saved.

This form is powered by QueryManager, a service of QueryTracker. If you have any questions about this service, please Contact Us.

QueryTracker is a free service for authors to help them find literary agents and organize query letters. Learn more.