Send a Query to Suzie Townsend at New Leaf Literary & Media
A few things to note:
I'm the Vice President and a Literary Agent at New Leaf Literary & Media. I work with an amazing team of agents and authors. My list is focused on children's and adult, with mostly fiction and some select nonfiction.
My list is best known for romance and fantasy, but I love books with an element of romanticism of some kind. I love strong relationships and I will follow a character I love anywhere. Some non-client recent reads that are reflective of my taste include Starling House by Alix E Harrow, Throne of the Fallen by Kerri Maniscalco, The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon, and The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren in the adult space, What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez, Bring Me Your Midnight by Rachel Griffin, and A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid in the YA space and Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton, The Lost Library by Rebecca Stead and Wendy Maas, and The School for Good and Evil series in the MG space.
A few all-time favorites of mine are the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series (I used to set my VHS to tape all the shows while I was at swim practice as a teen), A Dog's Way Home (I am such an animal person), When You Reach Me (the voice and the plotting are masterful), The Likeness by Tana French (love all her books but this is my absolute favorite), Night Film by Marisha Pessl (the depth of the character relationships and the world is incredible), Meg Rosoff's How I Live Now and Courtney Summers' Some Girls Are (the visceral feels!), anything by Melina Marchetta, A Discovery of Witches (book and TV series), the Kushiel's Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey and the Black Jewels world by Anne Bishop (incredible romantasies from before this was a term!).
More about me: I have two cats and two dogs, and they all came with their names (Pumpkin, Lucas, Larry, and Loretta). I love books of course and storytelling in all it's various mediums. I met my partner playing World of Warcraft. I also love tea, traveling, and hiking. But I'll take a hotel with room service over a tent/camping.
I do have a rather full client list and I am not signing many new writers at this time. I always believe in exceptions so you're always welcome to query me. But if I don't request your manuscript, please know that it is likely because I have been forced to be so very selective. If I don't request, please feel free to query another agent on the NL team.
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