Send a Query to Trinica Sampson-Vera at New Leaf Literary & Media
1. I'm a Literary Associate at New Leaf Literary & Media with a list focusing on commercial to upmarket children's and adult fiction. In all projects, I'm looking for stories that can make me laugh and cry, with emotional stakes and heart woven throughout. For my Manuscript Wishlist, visit
2. Please follow our submission guidelines:
3. Please do not query multiple agents at New Leaf at the same time. We do share queries internally, but you're always welcome to query another New Leaf agent if eight weeks has passed with no response from the agent you're currently querying. (I do endeavor to respond to each query, however I am not always able to get to them before that eight-week period has passed. If you would like to withdraw your query and try another agent after eight weeks, you are welcome to. Also—due to the volume of queries, I'm not able to provide personalized feedback on every query. I wish I could! But we'd all be waiting for years if I tried.)
Thank you for considering me for your work!
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