Send a Query to Kodie Van Dusen at The Rights Factory
Thank you for your interest! Right now I am actively acquiring non-fiction with limited spots available for new fiction clients.
Adult Fiction: absurdism, upmarket horror (strong literary themes with accessible commercial hook and structure), science-fiction (think more Kurt Vonnegut, Douglas Adams and Ted Chiang, less Frank Herbert). However, more important than genre is that authors make a strong philosophical point while demonstrating a fundamental understanding of story structure.
For your synopsis, please copy and paste into the field below. Your synopsis should be no more than 2 pages (single spaced) and include a brief introduction to your protagonist. Highlight the inciting incident of your story, what your character needs to accomplish, your midpoint complication, and the resolution/climax (include spoilers). I highly recommend checking out 'Dan Harmon Story Circle: 8 Proven Steps to Better Stories (Studiobinder)' on YouTube before submitting.
Non-fiction: narrative journalism (in the style of Johann Hari and Neil Strauss), philosophy, psychology, parenting, women's issues, true crime, select memoirs, cultural and corporate criticism, and politics.
I do my best to respond to queries within six weeks, but due to sheer volume, this is sometimes not possible. If you do not hear back within this time frame, please consider it a pass.
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