Send a Query to ABLA Second Chance Inbox at Andrea Brown Literary Agency

Thank you for giving ABLA a second chance to consider your work.

ILLUSTRATORS: If you are submitting art samples only (not a dummy), you should still include a query letter or cover letter to introduce yourself.
Otherwise, to make the form work for you: put "SEEKING ART REPRESENTATION" in lieu of Title; put "0" or "1" for Word Count; and in the Synopsis section you can simply write "n/a" or leave it blank. Please upload sample art in pdf format and provide an online portfolio link.

Optional: Sign in to QueryTracker

A QueryTracker account is NOT required to send a query. If you are not a member of QueryTracker, you can skip this step.

Signing into QueryTracker will link this query to your QueryTracker account, allowing it to be automatically tracked and displayed in QueryTracker for your convenience.
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Step 1: Tell us about the author

Fill in these author-related fields.

Have you ever been represented by a literary agent before?    
Have you previously published other books?    

Step 2: Tell us about the book

Fill in these book-related fields.

Genre: (required)
This agent is only seeking the genres shown in this list. If your book's genre is not shown here, please go to QueryTracker to find agents and publishers who are seeking your genre.
Query Letter: (required)
The formatting will be converted to block paragraphs without indenting, in order to standardize on a format. Pasting large blocks of text can take several seconds.
Pro Tip: Make your query letter shine, get it critiqued for free at
The formatting will be converted to block paragraphs without indenting, in order to standardize on a format. Pasting large blocks of text can take several seconds.
Is this book currently published or has it ever been published before?    
Paste the first 50 Pages of your book (or, if the book is nonfiction, include the full book proposal.): (required)
The formatting will be converted to block paragraphs without indenting, in order to standardize on a format. Pasting large blocks of text can take several seconds.
Upload Sample Artwork or Illustrations (if applicable)

Optional: Sign in to QueryTracker

A QueryTracker account is NOT required to send a query. If you are not a member of QueryTracker, you can skip this step.

Signing into QueryTracker will link this query to your QueryTracker account, allowing it to be automatically tracked and displayed in QueryTracker for your convenience.
Not a QueryTracker member? Join here

Final Step: Submit Your Query

Submit your query, or save a draft so you can come back and complete it later.

Important: After submitting your query, you will receive a personalized link to a special page that you can visit any time to check your query's status. If the agent would like to read more, they will contact you through that page as well as through email.
Query Draft Saved.

This form is powered by QueryManager, a service of QueryTracker. If you have any questions about this service, please Contact Us.

QueryTracker is a free service for authors to help them find literary agents and organize query letters. Learn more.