Send a Query to Thao Le at Sandra Dijkstra & Associates
I represent picture books, middle grade, young adult, and graphic novels for kids and teens. I also represent sci-fi/fantasy, speculative fiction, and some romance/romcoms for the adult market. You can find my current MSWLS here:
Update 1/9/2023:
Happy new year and if you're reading this, I just want to say thank you for thinking of me for your project and I'm very sorry if you've been waiting a long time for a response. The last year of new parenthood has been wonderful, but overwhelming and I've found myself struggling with the work/life balance. I know I'm incredibly behind on my queries and to be honest, I'm not quite sure when I'll be able to fully catch up. I am already closed to general queries, but I will continue to keep this BIPOC submission page open because I want a place where BIPOCs can reach me, even if it takes me awhile to get back to them... Whenever I can I have been dipping into these queries to give responses, but I know I'm moving at a snail's pace. Should you receive an offer, please don't hesitate to nudge. I'm doing my best to respect any deadlines, but otherwise am going to read queries in chronological order as best as I can. Please know that due to my current workload, I am being very selective with my list at the moment, but I would love to find a new story that's so good that it makes me forget the rest of my to-do list! Wishing you all the very best in 2023 and beyond.
Update 3/2/2022:
Thank you everyone for your patience. I had a delayed return from maternity leave due to illness and am still playing a lot of catch up. I still plan to read every query and full request and respond once I've made a decision, but I recognize that it is taking me longer to do so (especially as I balance first time parenting and work). If you have an offer of representation from another agent please notify me of your deadline. Otherwise, I will continue to slowly make my way through my submissions chronologically.
Update 9/13/2021:
I've now caught up to all queries sent as of today's date and until I return from my maternity leave will be focused on the fulls I've requested. While my BIPOC submission form will remain open, I will not review any new queries until January 2022.
Update 7/20/2021:
Now reading queries sent in May 2021.
Update 5/26/2021:
I've been super slow this year and I wanted to explain why... I'm excited to share the news that my family will be welcoming a new lil member come late Sept/early Oct! Which means I'll be on maternity leave starting end of Sept up until the new year (2022).
I'll keep my BIPOC querymanager link open, but pls know I likely won't be able to check submissions until I come back from my leave. When I return I'll review chronologically. Thank you always for thinking of me for your precious stories and I appreciate your support and patience.
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