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Ms. Veronique Baxter

David Higham Associates Ltd

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Veronique Baxter

David Higham Associates Ltd

6th Floor, Waverley House, 7–12 Noel Street
London W1F 8GQ
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
Young Adult


Cultural/Social Issues
Current Affairs/Politics
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Known Clients (current & past)
Richard Adams
Naomi Alderman
Judith Allnatt
Niall Barr
Hannah Begbie
Carys Bray
Kevin Brockmeier
Rita Mae Brown
Glen Brown
Sally Butcher
Nick Butterworth
Alison Croggon
Mark Curtis
Fred D'Aguiar
Nicola Davies
Jonathan Dimbleby
Berlie Doherty
Megan Dunn
David Edmonds
Maz Evans
Michael Fowkes
Jamila Gavin
Michele Giuttari
Guinevere Glasfurd
Candy Guard
Saleem Haddad
Byron Hamburgers
Oliver Harris
Lisa Heathfield
Neil Hegarty
Emma Henderson
Phil Hogan
Edward Hogan
Ian Holding
Lucy Hounsom
Tristan Hughes
William Hussey
Will Iredale
Nada Awar Jarrar
Diana Wynne Jones
Mireille Juchau
Marianne Kavanagh
Greg Keen
Claire King
Saci Lloyd
Kesia Lupo
Richard Marggraf Turley
Patrick Marnham
Geraldine McCaughrean
Kirsty McKay
Jean McNeil
Danny Miller
Sarah Mitchell
Sarah Mlynowski
Michael Morpurgo
Tiffany Murray
Alix Nathan
Adele Nozedar
Kate O'Hearn
Jill Paton Walsh
Laurie Penny
Timothy Phillips
Sarah Pinborough
Sarah Ridgard
Bethan Roberts
Jane Robinson
Allie Rogers
Alex Scarrow
Rachel Seiffert
James Sellick
Robin Shaw
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
02/24/2025 04:27 PM
Email Query 2/24/2025
02/10/2025 09:48 PM
2/10/25 Hist Fic 146k
12/04/2024 04:01 AM
Queried for a short story collection via email on 9 October 2024. No reply so assume declined.

03/10/2024 06:41 AM
Form rejection as below
11/12/2023 10:43 AM
EQ: 11/12/23
40k MG retelling
More author comments available to members.

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Profile History
Last Update:
03/30/2023 - Genres updated.
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