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What's new in 2025?

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I change my username, E-Mail address or password?
You can change all of your account settings at any time by clicking your username in the upper-right corner of every page, then selecting "Account Settings" from the menu. There you can change your username, email address and other account related items.
Can agents (or anyone else) see who I've queried?

No. All of your QueryTracker information is private. It can not be viewed by anyone else, and that includes agents and publishers.

Of course this doesn't apply to comments you've posted, which will be displayed along with your username. If you're worried about that, choose a username that does not reflect your real name.

Another exception is queries submitted using QueryManager (QT's sister-site.) Queries on QM are also private, but if two agents at the same agency both use QueryManager, then they can share information about queries. Keep in mind that agents at the same agency are going to share information regardless of if they use QM or not, so that doesn't really change anything.

If there is a discrepancy between QueryTracker and an agent's website, which should I believe?
In most cases, you should always trust the agent's website first. That is often considered the most current source of information.

But, there is an exception to that. If the agent is using QueryManager, then QueryTracker will take the information from there because it becomes the most accurate source.

This is because QM makes it really fast and easy for agents to change their information. Unfortunately, changing their agency website can take time and money because they often have to pay a developer to make the changes for them. Then they have to wait for the developer to get to it, or sometimes it is more cost-effective to let the changes accumulate over time and then give them all to the developer at once, but that delays the changes even more.

So, the order of trust goes like this:

  1. QueryTracker and QueryManager (when the agent uses QueryManager)
  2. The agent's website
  3. QueryTracker (when the agent does not use QueryManager)
Can I track queries to agents or publishers who are not on QueryTracker, or can I suggest an agent or publisher be added to QueryTracker?
You can suggest agents for our list by going to the "Agents" pull-down menu and selecting "Suggest an Agent". This will allow you to enter the agent's information. Once that agent has been approved and listed, you will receive an email with a link to the new agent's profile page.

If the agent is not approved for listing (we have a very strict vetting process) you still have the option of adding the agent as a "private" listing, which means only you will see that agent listed. You must be a premium member to add private listing. Learn more about private listings.

Suggesting and adding publishers works the same, but you use the "Publishers" menu instead.

Where can I find help with writing my query letter?
Start with What is a query letter in QueryTracker's help.
The agent (or publisher) search results are blank, or some of the results are missing?
You may have some search criteria inadvertently set. Try clearing all search criteria by clicking the link labeled "Remove Search Filters." When a search filter is effecting the search results, the filter will turn orange. You can try changing or removing any of the orange filters.
Where does QT get its information about agents and publishers, and how often is it updated?
Agent's contact information and submission guidelines typically come directly from the agent's websites. We then periodically check each profile to ensure that the information is current. We also depend heavily on QT's members to inform us whenever they discover a change. All information provided by our members is confirmed before any changes are made to an agent's profile. Learn more about how QT updates profiles.
I have information about changes to an agent's profile. How do I contact you with the changes?
You can send a message using our contact form, or enter the information in the comment section on that agent's profile.
Where does QT get the statistics about agent and publisher queries?
All query and submission statistics come from the information entered by QueryTracker's members. This information is anonymous and consists of the dates queries were sent, the dates of their replies, the nature of those replies, etc.
How do I export or print my query list?
Open either the "Agents" or "Publishers" pull-down menu by clicking the appropriate button at the top of the page, then click either "Export" or "Print".

Please note that exporting and printing is only available to premium members.

I started querying for a new book and want to copy my old query list to a new project. Can I do that?
Yes. At the bottom of the Project Settings Page is a button to copy a query list from one project to another.
How do I access the Project Settings Page?
Open the "Dashboard" pull-down menu by clicking the down-arrow on the "Dashboard" button at the top of the page, then click "Manage Projects."
What is the meaning of the different abbreviations some people put in the comments?
Actually, we'd rather people not put that information in the comments. It's supposed to go in the official tracking system, where it can be sorted and organized.

But, since people do still post there, I'll include the "unofficial" abbreviations here:

  • EQ - Electronic (Email) Query
  • ER - Electronic (Email) Rejection
  • FR - Full Request
  • PR - Partial Request
  • CNR - Closed/ No Response
  • R&R - Revise and Resubmit
Where can I get more help?
You can view tutorial videos or read help topics for further assistance. If you can't find what you need there, please contact us directly.