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Mr. Jonny Geller

Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.

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Jonny Geller

Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.

Submissions Department, Haymarket House
28 - 29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Chick Lit
Literary Fiction
Women's Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Diran Adebayo
Manette Ansay
Jake Arnott
Sam Baker
Duncan Bannatyne
Emily Barr
Alan Beattie
Martyn Bedford
Sam Bourne
Joanna Briscoe
Carole Cadwalladr
Liza Campbell
Nicky Campbell
David Cesarani
Tracy Chevalier
Stuart Christie
Lana Citron
Candida Clark
Susanna Clarke
Daniel Clay
Sacha Baron Cohen
Giles Coren
Victoria Coren
Alan Cumming
Madame Dariaux
Les Dennis
Lawrence Donegan
Glen Duncan
Robert Elms
Sally Emerson
Jane Fallon
James Flint
Jonathan Freedland
Bamber Gascoigne
Annabel Giles
Richard Grant
Rob Grant
Chris Hannan
Jane Harris
John Harris
Dave Haslam
Mark Hix
Barney Hoskyns
Sean Hughes
Howard Jacobson
Lisa Jewell
Dom Joly
Guy Gavriel Kay
Linda Kelsey
Hari Kunzru
Norman Lebrecht
Anne Leclaire
Philippe Legrain
Danny Leigh
Jerry Lewis
Adeline Yen Mah
Jonathan Marks
Andrew Marshall
Anna Maxted
Donald McRae
Stephanie Merritt
Fiona Millar
Andy Miller
David Mitchell
Natasha Mostert
David Nicholls
Adele Parks
Zane Radcliffe
Amy Raphael
Jay Rayner
Emlyn Rees
Vikram Seth
Michael Marshall Smith
Linda Smith
Jon Snow
Mark Steel
David Strahan
Kathleen Tessaro
David Thewlis
Alice Thompson
Carol Topolski
Christopher Wakling
Johnnie Walker
Helen Walsh
Louise Wener
Phil Whitaker
Kevin Wignall
Greg Williams
Chris Wilson
David Wolstencroft
Robert Yates
Gary Younge
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
09/09/2024 05:16 PM
Has anyone submitted to Jonny recently and received a read reply? I submitted this morning and have not, so not sure if he received it. Thanks for any info you can provide!
07/31/2024 11:12 AM
no response so closed
07/01/2024 05:26 PM
135k Sci-Fi/Adventure; Submitted 57 days ago

Rejected by THE ENTIRE science fiction "team", all be it in a delightfully British way. I've never been rejected by a "team" before, outside of the lady's volleyball squad in HS. I don't know whether to sulk from rejection or celebrate an accomplishment.

"Thank you for submitting your work for our consideration. While we enjoyed reviewing your submission, we do not feel that any of our agents are the right fit for this project and cannot offer you representation at this time. Please do not be discouraged – these opinions are very subjective. You may well find an agent better suited to your work. We wish you all the best with your writing.

All best,

The SFF team

Curtis Brown, Cunard House, 15 Regent Street, London, SW1Y 4LR.
03/21/2024 09:19 AM
emailed 21st Feb 2024 for representation with Jonny. Fingers crossed. It's been 29 days but I'm still hoping.

03/01/2024 08:53 AM
Queried by email 3/1/24
95K literary fiction
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Profile History
Last Update:
03/10/2023 - Open to queries.
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