Ms. Caroline Walsh
David Higham Associates Ltd
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Caroline Walsh
David Higham Associates Ltd
5-8 Lower John St, Golden Square
London W1F 9HA
- E-Mail:
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Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Middle Grade
Young Adult
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Known Clients (current & past)
R. J. Anderson
Antonia Barber
Suzanne Barton
Joe Berger
Scott Bergstrom
Tim Bowler
Henrietta Branford
Theresa Breslin
Martin Brown
Mike Brownlow
Kathryn Cave
Jason Chapman
Emma Chichester Clark
Trish Cooke
Cressida Cowell
Susie Day
Lucy Dillamore
Ruth Eastham
Eve Edwards
Natalie Eldred
Jonathan Emmett
Ben Faulks
Corina Fletcher
P. M. Freestone
Gillian Galbraith
Jane Gardam
Sarah Garland
Susan Gates
Adle Geras
Julia Golding
Candida Harper
Leigh Hodgkinson
Jesse Hodgson
Dianne Hofmeyr
Emma Hogan
Anna Hoghton
Meredith Hooper
Suzanna Hubbard
Julia Jarman
E. K. Johnston
Amie Kaufman
Anna Kemp
Clive King
Jay Kristoff
Fifi Kuo
Jo Lodge
Kady MacDonald Denton
Jan Mark
Alexander McCall Smith
Tom McLaughlin
Gwen Millward
Myfanwy Millward
Kate Milner
Alex Milway
Tony Mitton
Laura Mucha
Jenny Nimmo
Liz Pichon
Tamora Pierce
Madhvi Ramani
Chlo Rayban
Jacqui Rayner
Catherine Rayner
Gwyneth Rees
Jasmine Richards
Fiona Roberton
Rachel Rooney
Megan Shepherd
Joss Stirling
Sally Symes
Vanessa Tait
Frances Thomas
Pat Thomson
Cate Tiernan
Theresa Tomlinson
Ann Turnbull
Martin Waddell
Melanie Walsh
Victor Watson
Gina Wilson
Jacqueline Wilson
Sophie Windham
David Wojtowycz
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
11/19/2022 05:17 PM
Sent full manuscript to agent in July 2021 after it was requested earlier on in the year. Agent replied confirming she had received and that she would respond as soon as she could. Politely asked for a response in Sept 2022, no reply.
Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
10/06/2022 06:16 PM
Profile Update: New email address for queries.
Thanks EmmaHalloran
10/06/2022 10:01 AM
Query via email now not snail mail as per website
05/19/2020 09:33 AM
EQ: 05/03/20 (Multicultural MG)
ER: 05/19/20 Kind form letter
ER: 05/19/20 Kind form letter
Agent Interviews
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Success Story Interviews
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None found for this agent
Profile History
- Last Update:
- 10/06/2022 - New email address for queries.
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Form rejection 2/17/25