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Ms. Elizabeth Wales

Wales Literary Agency

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Elizabeth Wales

Wales Literary Agency

Seattle, WA
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Graphic Novel
Literary Fiction


Cultural/Social Issues
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Known Clients (current & past)
Lisa Albers
Sinan Antoon
Bruce Barcott
Jack Becklund
Sheila Bender
Alice Bloch
Julia Boyd
Karen Brennan
Rebecca Brown
Brian Bruya
Jeannie Burt
Tsai Chih Chung
Leela Corman
Kathleen Dexter
Maria Dolan
Gordon Edgar
Keith Egawa
Paige Embry
Joyce Farmer
Natalie Fobes
Laura Fokkena
Ellen Forney
Kenny Fries
Arun Ghandi
Reginald Gibbons
Kirsten Grind
John Haines
Ayun Halliday
Samuel Harrington
Lyanda Lynn Haupt
Jean Hegland
Martin Laird
Heather Lende
Nancy Lord
Lynda Mapes
David Mas Masumoto
Ellie Mathews
Scott McCredie
Laurenn McCubbin
Farnoosh Moshiri
Hilton Obenzinger
Lucia Perillo
Peter Potterfield
Wendy Rawlings
Cinthia Ritchie
Dan Savage
Migael Scherer
Eric Scigliano
Robert Spector
Norm Stamper
Michelle Tea
Kate Thompson
Kurt Timmermeister
Kathryn True
Debbie Weil
Aretha Williams
Duff Wilson
Art Wolfe
Carol Kaesuk Yoon
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
03/20/2022 10:23 AM
Profile Update: Closed to queries. Query by referral only.
02/16/2022 02:48 PM
Please note: agency is currenty open to submissions by referral only.

Based on their website this agency would have been perfect for me.
11/01/2021 01:10 PM
Only open to submission by referral
08/19/2021 05:59 PM
EQ: 8/2 Lit Fiction 72,900
ER: 8/19 form rejection: "Thank you for sending us your query. We are unable to ask to see your work as we can only review and take on a few new projects each year. We wish you all the best and thank you for thinking of us."
07/12/2021 12:07 PM
EQ: 7/03/21
ER: 7/12/21
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Profile History
Last Update:
03/20/2022 - Closed to queries.
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