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Ms. Stephany Evans

Ayesha Pande Literary

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Stephany Evans

Ayesha Pande Literary

128 West 132 St
New York, NY 10027
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


Women's Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Gretchen Archer
Concetta Bertoldi
Susan Boyer
Sherri Browning Erwin
Suzanne Chazin
Ernest Chu
Rebecca Coleman
Waverly Curtis
Mary Margret Daughtridge
Bente Gallagher
Ina May Gaskin
Emily Giffin
Molly Harper
Dani Harper
C.C. Harrison
Lynn Marie Hulsman
Rowan Jacobsen
Monica Mendez Leahy
Candy Paull
Tito Perdue
Sam Quinones
Pam Reed
Leslie Tentler
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
04/13/2023 12:29 PM
Website states: If after submitting to one agent, you have not heard back after 8 weeks, you are welcome to withdraw your submission and re-submit it to another agent. All multiple submissions will be discarded.

It's been 8 weeks and I have another agent I would like to query but do not see an option to withdraw. I didn't even get a confirmation after submitting via web form the first time. Anyone have any idea?
02/15/2022 12:00 PM
EQ: 10/27/21
CNR: 2/15/22
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
12/22/2021 08:19 AM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
10/26/2021 04:12 PM
Submitted 10/26/21 Women's Fiction Thriller 99K
10/20/2021 01:47 PM
Submitted our full and got the rejection that says our "writing is yet ready for primetime with the mainstream publishers"
If that's her form, it sucks. If it's not, be ready to be demoralized.
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Profile History
Last Update:
12/22/2021 - Closed to queries.
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