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Ms. Susan Canavan

Waxman Literary Agency

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Susan Canavan

Waxman Literary Agency

443 Park Ave South, #1004
New York, NY 10016
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06/28/2024 01:30 PM
Update: 6/28 signed contract. After sending materials in response to her full request, she emailed me within three days to set up a meeting. She offered rep at the end of the meeting. We took two weeks to negotiate contract terms and talk through next steps. I appreciate her quick response to my materials yet the way we took our time to talk through what our contract will be, what next steps will be, what our long-term relationship might look like. So happy with the way this developed. I also want to note to others who are querying right now that it took almost a year of querying maybe 5-7 agents at a time, waiting for responses, tweaking my proposal and query letter according to feedback, and then going through a next round of 5-7 queries. It took a long time but was worth it to find just the right person. All of this to say be patient, be persistent, and you'll find the right person. Good luck and keep working on your craft!

Queried 6/6 at 9:03am. Full request from her at 9:19am. Submitted right away.

06/17/2022 02:45 PM
Email Query 5/3/22
memoir 89K words

no response after 6 weeks, closing query
09/23/2021 03:42 PM
EQ: 923/21
33k word memoir
08/24/2021 11:53 AM
CNR @ 33 days.
05/17/2021 11:03 AM
11/9/20, query, first 10 pages, 135k true crime/me too memoir
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