Ms. Georgia Glover

David Higham Associates Ltd

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Georgia Glover

David Higham Associates Ltd

6th Floor, Waverley House, 7–12 Noel Street
London W1F 8GQ
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Known Clients (current & past)
J. R. Ackerley
Edward Ardizzone
Elizabeth Berridge
Edmund Blunden
Neville Braybrooke
Arthur Bryant
Anthony Burgess
Barbara Castle
Charles Causley
Arthur C. Clarke
Lady Mary Clive
Peter Cook
Chris Cove-Smith
James Curtis
David Daiches
R. F. Delderfield
John Dickson Carr
Eleanor Farjeon
J. Jefferson Farjeon
Elizabeth Ferrars
Nicholas Fisk
Pauline Fisk
Theodora Fitzgibbon
Margot Fonteyn
Mavis Gallant
Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy
Ralph Glasser
Elizabeth Goudge
Peter Green
Geoffrey Grigson
Jane Grigson
James Hadley Chase
James Hanley
Gerald Heard
John Heath-Stubbs
James Herriot
Christopher Hibbert
Richard Hough
Richard Hughes
Langston Hughes
Elizabeth Jennings
Harold Jones
Anna Kavan
M. M. Kaye
Molly Keane
Sidney Keyes
C. H. B. Kitchin
June Knox-Mawer
Marghanita Laski
Ann Lawrence
Ira Levin
Ted Lewis
B. H. Liddell Hart
Jack Lindsay
Joan Lingard
Emanuel Litvinoff
Marianne Macdonald
Louis MacNeice
Olivia Manning
Pete Morgan
Norman Nicholson
Kate O'Brien
Jan Ormerod
Derek Parker
Julia Parker
Robert Payne
Philippa Pearce
Margaret Powell
Ann Purser
Joan Rankin
Herbert Read
James Reeves
Malcolm Ross Macdonald
Anthony Rota
Clive Sansom
Dorothy L. Sayers
Paul Scott
John Seymour
Muriel Spark
Howard Spring
Gertrude Stein
John Strawson
Rosemary Sutcliff
A. J. P. Taylor
Josephine Tey
Peter Tonkin
Keith Waterhouse
Robert Westall
Dorothy Whipple
T. H. White
Thornton Wilder
Barbara Willard
Charles Williams
John Wyndham
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