Ms. Allison Hellegers
Stimola Literary Studio
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Allison Hellegers
Stimola Literary Studio
West Tisbury, MA
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:
Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
Science Fiction
Young Adult
Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Marta Bartolj
Darlene P. Campos
Darlene Campos
Rebecca Caprara
Caroline Carlson
Michelle Jabs Corpora
Jasmine Danzy
Caroline Davis
Elaine Dimopoulos
Elizabeth Holden
Liz Hyder
Raidah Shah Idil
Dinah Johnson
Beth Kander
Angie Lucas
Laurin Becker Macios
Maggie Ann Martin
Angelica Monai
Naila Moreira
Malulani Moreno
Alison Oliver
Danni Quintos
Mickey Rowe
Alex Schumacher
Nick Seluk
Colby Cedar Smith
Jane Smith
Susan Szecsi
SJ Taylor
Sam Taylor
Kevin James Thornton
Sarah Vacchiano
Len Vlahos
Michael Wang
Nova Weetman
Caroline Wright
Author Comments
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Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
03/02/2025 07:01 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
02/27/2025 12:09 PM
EQ sent 2/24/2025
Memoir 85k
Auto response Thanking for submission ..."She has received your query. Please understand that, due to the overwhelming number of submissions she receives, she can only respond if she's interested in your work. If you do not hear from her within eight weeks, it means she has reviewed your query and decided not to move forward with representation."
Memoir 85k
Auto response Thanking for submission ..."She has received your query. Please understand that, due to the overwhelming number of submissions she receives, she can only respond if she's interested in your work. If you do not hear from her within eight weeks, it means she has reviewed your query and decided not to move forward with representation."
02/23/2025 09:09 PM
@engstromdd Thank you! I read that page through twice, but I didn't pay enough attention to that ** footnote!
02/22/2025 08:39 PM
@JHGould The info you want is at:
This page can also be reached from the top menu Stimola main page CONTACT>SUBMISSIONS
In either case, scroll down unti you find Alli's name.
This page can also be reached from the top menu Stimola main page CONTACT>SUBMISSIONS
In either case, scroll down unti you find Alli's name.
Agent Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 03/02/2025 - Closed to queries.
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CNR: 3/8/25
85K adult paranormal romance