Ms. Nicole Tugeau
Tugeau 2, Inc.
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Nicole Tugeau
Tugeau 2, Inc.
2231 Grandview Avenue
Cleveland Heights, OH 44106
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- @T2Illustrators
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Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Picture Book
• Picture Book, Author
• Picture Book, Author/Illustrator
• Picture Book, Illustrator
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Known Clients (current & past)
Kelsey Buzzell
Elliott Grinn
Dani Jones
Saoirse Lou
Bonnie Lui
Fernando Martin
Ryan O'Rourke
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
11/15/2024 05:31 PM
PB Query - 11/11/2024
09/05/2023 09:15 AM
I submitted my portfolio and got a kind rejection after a few hours: "Thank you for your submission! It's lovely work. Just not a style I'm looking to add to the agency at this time. Wishing you and this fantastic art well."
Even if it's a no I'm very grateful for the fast response!
Even if it's a no I'm very grateful for the fast response!
08/03/2022 03:30 PM
Very nice personalized response/rejection:
Thank you for submitting! This is such a fun adventure-filled story. We aren't sensing a match with our list but we encourage you to keep going and creating!
Thank you for submitting! This is such a fun adventure-filled story. We aren't sensing a match with our list but we encourage you to keep going and creating!
11/11/2021 03:37 PM
PB query: 10/28
Personalized rejection 11/09
Personalized rejection 11/09
10/23/2021 06:53 PM
Are they in business? Their Twitter account is inactive and I cannot find anything on publishers marketplace.
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