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Ms. Georgia Garrett

Rogers, Coleridge & White

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Georgia Garrett

Rogers, Coleridge & White

20 Powis Mews
London, England W11 1JN
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
David Aaronovitch
Viv Albertine
David Baddiel
Lynn Barber
Joe Dunthorne
Lissa Evans
Hadley Freeman
Juliet Gardiner
Amika George
Richard E. Grant
Stephen Grosz
Isabella Hammad
Sophie Heawood
Zoe Heller
Philip Hensher
Charlotte Hobson
Nick Hornby
Kate Hubbard
Sali Hughes
Rachel Johnson
Luke Kennard
Matthew Kneale
India Knight
David Kynaston
Sam Leith
Ben Markovits
Hisham Matar
Melanie McGrath
Giles Milton
Tim Moore
Caitlin Moran
John O'Farrell
Christina Patterson
Emily Perkins
Caryl Phillips
Anna Raverat
Philippe Sands
Giles Smith
Zadie Smith
Kate Summerscale
Meera Syal
Andrew Towers
Luke Tredget
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/29/2024 02:04 PM
Caitlin Moran
01/02/2024 03:50 PM
Accessible literary fiction 76k

Email query: 04/09/2023
Nudged with full manuscript request: 20/11/2023
CNR: 02/01/24
02/21/2023 08:59 AM
EQ: 2022-05-15 - Lit / Hist / Humorous 98K
CNR: 2023-02-21
10/06/2021 02:19 PM
Just FYI the Submissions page on their website says they are not taking queries for children's books from US authors at this time.
10/01/2021 11:31 AM
@robinkmoore are these posts on behalf of QT?
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