Mr. Charlie Campbell

Greyhound Literary

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Charlie Campbell

Greyhound Literary

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Edward Brooke-Hitching
Theodore Brun
Andrea Busfield
Jen Campbell
Bonnie Chung
Duncan Crowe
Iain Dey
Christopher Dodd
Rebecca Front
Alex Gilly
Julian Gough
David Higgins
Will Hill
Andrew Hosken
Simon Jones
Bella Mackie
Hugh Matheson
Anthony McGowan
Barry McKinley
Moin Mir
James Peak
Tom Tivnan
Mike Woodhouse
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/26/2024 01:22 PM
immediate complimentary rejection
07/25/2024 03:24 PM
emailed query w/ first 3 chs., Guide
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
01/24/2022 09:35 AM
Profile Update: Agency name changed. Formerly Charlie Campbell Literary.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
02/24/2021 11:11 AM
Profile Update: Started a new agency. Formerly with Kingsford Campbell. Thanks imthedecoy
02/24/2021 08:47 AM
Currently closed to queries and it should be noted that Kingsford Campbell have now split into two separate agencies.

Submitted fantasy/crime August 2020. Rejection said he didn't feel he would find me a publisher and that his list was relatively full so wasn't taking on many new writers.
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Profile History
Last Update:
07/22/2024 - Open to queries.
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