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Mr. Stuart Krichevsky

Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.

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Stuart Krichevsky

Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.

6 East 39th Street, Suite 500
New York, NY 10016
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Young Adult


Current Affairs/Politics
Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Conrad Allen
Mary Kay Andrews
Paul M. Barrett
Katherine Barrett
Lorri Benson
Taryn Benson
Thomas James Brennan
Sam Brower
Julie Burstein
J. Revell Carr
C.J. Chivers
Jim Collins
Barbara Corcoran
Maureen Corrigan
Trevor Corson
Anthony DePalma
Roman Dial
Charlie English
John Falk
Michael Finkel
Jill Fredston
Joanne Gordon
Preston Gralla
Harvey Green
Richard Greene
Martha Greenlaw
Linda Greenlaw
Joseph Hansen
Kate Harris
Bryce Hoffman
Alex Honnold
Sara Hoskinson Frommer
Will Hunt
Sebastian Junger
Michio Kaku
Piper Kerman
Nina Killham
Mark Levine
David Marcus
Edward Marston
Lucia McBath
Susan McCarthy
Craig Nelson
Finbarr O'Reilly
Kennedy Odede
Thomas Parrish
Carissa Phelps
Nathaniel Philbrick
Stephen M. Pollan
Jessica Posner
Andy Raskin
David Roberts
Scott Rosenberg
John F. Ross
Rob Schenck
Michael F. Scheuer
Laurence Shames
Steven Sorrentino
Peter Stark
Will Steger
Jennifer Thompson
Anastasia Toufexis
Colin Tudge
Vijay Vad
John Vaillant
Ed Viesturs
Teun Voeten
Liza Wiemer
Alison Wright
Ben Yagoda
Allen Zadoff
Manoush Zomorodi
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
12/03/2024 06:37 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
08/29/2024 12:15 PM
Submitted query 8/29/24. Received auto generated out of office for the Labor Day weekend.
02/03/2024 07:59 PM
email query 9/11/23
nudge for offer of pub (small press) 1/16/24
nudge re offer of rep 1/19/24
withdrawn 2/3/24
88k ya fantasy

07/02/2022 02:37 PM
EQ 4/12/22 CNR 7/2/22
Memoir, 88K
04/05/2022 08:27 AM
Mackenzie Brady Watson
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Profile History
Last Update:
12/03/2024 - Closed to queries.
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