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Ms. Barb Roose

Books & Such Literary Agency

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Barb Roose

Books & Such Literary Agency

52 Mission Circle, Suite 122, PMB 170
Santa Rosa, CA 95409-5370
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction


General Non-Fiction
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Comments by authors about this agent.
07/24/2021 09:16 PM
7/22 submitted Fiction Psychological Suspense
7/23 rejection email received.

Barb was very prompt in her response. She informed me that she deals exclusively with authors whose manuscripts are geared toward the Christian audience. . She offered me advice on my word count which was approximately 65000 words. She stated that she was intrigued, but suggested that I add to my novel to get within the normal count of 70000-80000 words and said once I’ve done that, maybe another agent at their agency would be interested.

I appreciate her feedback and will be adding and submitting to additional agents.
I only wished I knew about her when I did my first book, which was a Christian book.
02/22/2021 12:02 PM
In her rejection note, "I represent adult fiction and non-fiction projects exclusively for the Christian market (CBA). (As a newer literary agent, I am aware that some listing sites haven't updated their information with the types of projects that I represent and I hope that updates will be completed in the near future.)
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