Ms. Abi Fellows
DHH Literary
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Abi Fellows
DHH Literary
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Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
General Fiction
Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
• Romance, Comedy
Young Adult
Cultural/Social Issues
General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Tasneem Abdur-Rashid
Sofia Akel
Paula Akpan
Karen Arthur
Nafisa Bakkar
Khairani Barokka
Astra Bloom
Caroline Butterwick
Nicole Crentsil
Azma Dar
Sharan Dhaliwal
Preeti Dhillon
Emily Dinsdale
Ciara Doran
Deirdre Finnerty
Nicola Garrard
Nadia Gilani
Erica Gillingham
Michael Handrick
Mireille Harper
Blaine Harrison
Judy Hepburn
Lizzie Huxley-Jones
Sophie Jai
Angela Jariwala
Raj Khaira
Eleni Kyriacou
Thomas Leeds
Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin
Natalie Marlow
Saima Mir
Zeena Moolla
Evie Muir
Jade Mutyora
Musa Okwonga
Yen Ooi
Bronwen Parker-Rhodes
Philippa Peall
Penny Pepper
Grace Quantock
Monika Radojevic
Jon Ransom
Juno Roche
Eva Verde
Kandace Siobhan Walker
Clare Weze
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
10/07/2024 08:51 PM
Submitted 09/29/2024
Polite form rejection 07/10/2024
96k Sports Romance
Polite form rejection 07/10/2024
96k Sports Romance
09/09/2024 07:55 AM
Thanks, Patrick! Let's hope. :)
Patrick (Admin)
09/09/2024 05:48 AM
@cmg436, sometimes agents forget to turn off those auto-responders. I'll see if I can get confirmation.
09/09/2024 12:09 AM
I submitted a query tonight, based on this status update and her DHH page showing Abi's open to queries. But I received an email bounce back saying she's closed for the summer and the message will be deleted.
"Thank you for your email. My submissions are currently closed for the summer. This is to allow me time to catch up on outstanding submissions, and give due care and attention to my existing clients. If you are receiving this bounce back, then your submission will regrettably not be read."
"Thank you for your email. My submissions are currently closed for the summer. This is to allow me time to catch up on outstanding submissions, and give due care and attention to my existing clients. If you are receiving this bounce back, then your submission will regrettably not be read."
Agent Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 09/08/2024 - Open to queries.
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Form rejection: 20th Jan 2025.