Ms. Anne Hawkins

John Hawkins & Associates, Inc.

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Anne Hawkins

John Hawkins & Associates, Inc.

80 Maiden Lane, Suite 1503
New York, NY 10038
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Tasha Alexander
Brett Battles
Miranda Beverly-Whittemore
Susan Bickford
Helen Brown
Thomas Desjardin
Mark Elbroch
Mary Anna Evans
John Gilstrap
Gary Gutting
David McCaleb
Casey McFarland
Michael Pewtherer
Stefanie Pintoff
Kurt Rinehart
Kiron Skinner
Taylor Stevens
Reavis Wortham
Author Comments
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07/08/2024 10:59 AM
Email Query: 7-4-24
Encouraging Decline: 7-8-24

92K Historical Fiction

06/26/2024 09:08 AM
3-day query FORM rejection for literary fiction:

Thank you for thinking of me with your query for NAME OF MY NOVEL. While this appears to be a strong project, I'm afraid it doesn't strike me as a likely fit with me and my particular editorial contacts. I wish you well in finding the right agent for your work.

Anne Hawkins
05/13/2024 12:00 PM
70500 word mystery/thriller sent 5-10-24, Rejected three days later with "While this appears to be a strong project, I'm afraid it doesn't strike me as a likely fit with me and my particular editorial contacts." Got to admit, since I'd sent a query, 25 pages and synopsis. her rejection left me feeling good about the work That is, UNTIL I saw so many of the same messages posted here, and realized it's just one of the nicest auto reject emails I've gotten to date.

On the other hand, I did see one rejection down the chain that read, "Many thanks for your note. This material doesn't seem quite right for us, but I'm sure other agents will feel differently." So I think I'm going to process this as, "maybe people who were told they had a strong project were more likely to leave a comment." Oh, the lies we tell ourselves to stroke our insecure egos :)
04/24/2024 04:31 AM
4-24-24. 1-day personal reject by Anne, on 82K spec thriller. Auto reject, same as others on this thread--which sounds like a specific and personal reject, but isn't.

02/21/2024 08:39 AM
Queried 2/20
Form rejection 2/21

"Thank you for thinking of me with your query for TITLE. While this sounds like a strong project, I'm afraid it doesn't strike me as a likely fit with me and my particular editorial contacts. I wish you well in finding the right agent for your work."

Historical mystery 93k
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- This agent reviewed and approved this listing. Genres Updated
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