Ms. Julie Crisp

Julie Crisp Literary Agency

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Julie Crisp

Julie Crisp Literary Agency

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


  • Fantasy, Magical Realism
Science Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
E. J. Beaton
Heather Child
John Gwynne
Sam Hawke
Devin Madson
C. T. Rwizi
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/25/2024 10:49 AM
QM: 25/07/24
Adult Fantasy 115K
07/20/2024 01:26 PM
qm: 9/22/2023
full request: 01/30/2024 (130 days)
Rejected: 07/17/2024

Adult Fantasy 104K

This one hurts. Julie would have been amazing to work with, and although she gave many compliments on my story and my writing voice, she said she believed it would do better with an agent who reps YA because of all the traditional tropes, even though the characters are adult. Definitely stings but I appreciate the thoughtful response and the validation. Still can't believe I was one of the lucky few to even get a full request from her.

Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
07/19/2024 08:51 AM
Profile Update: Open to queries. Genres updated.
07/17/2024 11:14 PM
11/5/23 query
7/17/24 custom pass
Sci-fi/speculative 86k
"As it was, I did read your partial with enjoyment. I thought there was some good character development, nice pacing and the writing flowed well. However, I'm afraid that despite having fun reading this - it's not one I'll be taking any further."

07/17/2024 08:04 AM
FQ: 11/26/2023
Adult romance fantasy (faerie tale retelling) 109k

QT message: 01/28/2024 Informing her I made changes after feedback received on a full pass from another agent. No response yet as of 02/07/2024

02/12/2024: She's caught up on all submitted queries and going through her "maybe" pile now. Fingers crossed for those of us in the pile. On 02/09 she tweeted she had 98 queries remaining.

07/17/2014: FR. Honestly gutted. Julie's my dream agent and her authors are incredible. She apologized for the long wait and complimented my work, but said it just didn't tick all the boxes. I asked if I could resubmit since I've done some major revisions after 7 month of being in the slush pile. We'll see. Copy of the pass below for others.

"Dear XXXX,

Many thanks or submitting your work, XXXX, for me to consider. First up, I have to apologise that it's taken me this long to respond. I was doing rather well with submission reading then I had two client edits turn up, some contractual issues to solve and all my best laid plans to get my submissions read quickly, went out the window. I have no doubt at all that you've since found representation or moved onto something else - but I did want to respond as I try to do so with every query I receive.

I did actually read over XXXX and thought that there was a lot to like about it. It was well-written, an interesting premise and the characters were well-developed. However, for me personally, I'm afraid it didn't quite tick the boxes required for me to make an offer of representation. As you know, every read is subjective - and this was a well put together submission so I've no doubt someone will pick it up - if they haven't already!

I do wish you all the best with your writing and can only apologise profusely for the lack of response until now.

Best wishes,

Julie Crisp"
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Profile History
Last Update:
07/19/2024 - Open to queries. Genres updated.
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