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Ms. Darlene Chan

Linda Chester Literary Agency

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Darlene Chan

Linda Chester Literary Agency

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Chick Lit
Literary Fiction
  • Romance, Comedy
Women's Fiction


Pop Culture
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08/09/2024 10:14 PM
Crime thriller, 74K words

Queried: 7/27/24

Form rejection: 8/9/24

The length of her email suggests it might have been a personalized response, but its generic nature compels me to chalk this one up as a form rejection. The turnaround time and fact she responded is a silver lining.
04/02/2024 03:57 PM
Rejected at 91 days. WF 78k.
05/15/2023 04:40 PM
Met this agent at a pitching event and as I sat down, she commented on my last name in a rude way and this of course made me all the more nervous and my pitch went downhill from there.

There are nice ways to behave and she isn't nice.

I had submitted my work by email to her 30 days before, but I didn't mention it in the pitch - so've marked this as a rejection though it seems she doesn't have the decency to reply by email anyway. By the way, my name is funny, and I'm more than happy to make a joke about it when someone asks me about it in a nice way. Is making fun of names still a thing in 2023?
08/12/2022 01:54 PM
EQ: 4/10/21
ER: 8/12/22 (sixteen months later...I'd forgotten all about this query... ;-) )

I read your material -- I think you've got something here, but I also think it's planted firmly in the MG/YA genres, and unfortunately, I don't represent those books. I did try my hand at YA for a while, but found it to be a difficult area to penetrate. I think you need an agent who specializes in that genre and is already a known quantity to editors.

I'm sorry to make you wait for such an unsatisfying answer. I'm with you on the message front and think positive AAPI male characters are key to changing the social discourse about us, so I applaud you on that.

I wish you much success.

Best regards,
04/25/2022 03:52 AM
liked my writing, however there was too much dialogue. "Revise and resubmit."
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Last Update:
08/26/2021 - Genres updated.
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