Ms. Margaret Riley King
William Morris Endeavor
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Margaret Riley King
William Morris Endeavor
New York, NY
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Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
General Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Chloe Benjamin
Nadia Bolz-Weber
Rachel Brathen
Khalida Brohi
Hannah Bronfman
Amena Brown
Kristin Cavallari
Austin Channing Brown
Jessie James Decker
Glennon Doyle
Hanna Halperin
Keeda Haynes
Emily Henderson
Greer Hendricks
Jessica Henriquez
Kristen Howerton
Laura Lynne Jackson
LeBron James
Valarie Kaur
David Kessler
Ann Kidd Taylor
Ruthie Lindsey
Cammie McGovern
Sue Monk Kidd
Julie Morgenstern
Laura Moriarty
Sarah Pekkanen
Caroline Randall Williams
Dani Shapiro
Michael Symon
Sheila Turnage
Michael Ventur
Jeannette Walls
Abby Wambach
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
01/12/2025 05:23 PM
January 12, 2024. ...After submitting your query, if you don't see any evidence of having sent it in your SENT box, wait about fifteen minutes before resending because mine took a while, and I made the mistake of sending two back-to-back query letters, after I'd spent hours making sure that it was perfect.
12/19/2024 05:17 PM
Q: Oc 7
R: 12/19 Very nice personalized rejection.
R: 12/19 Very nice personalized rejection.
11/22/2024 07:00 PM
EQ 9/2/24
Form rejection (same as below) 11/23/24
70k women's fiction
Form rejection (same as below) 11/23/24
70k women's fiction
11/03/2024 12:29 PM
EQ Thriller (72k) 11/03/24
10/23/2024 01:11 PM
Q: 9/2/24
R: 10/22/24
Memoir: 85k
Thank you very much for your email. I have now had the opportunity to review your query, and I’m afraid I am not the right person to represent this project.
As you probably know, publishing is an industry based largely on instinct and emotional response, especially where nonfiction is concerned. Since your work so richly deserves the energetic and passionate representation that I can’t offer you, I will step aside for an agent who can and undoubtedly will.
I wish you the best of luck and much success!
Most sincerely,
Margaret Riley King
Margaret Riley King | WME
R: 10/22/24
Memoir: 85k
Thank you very much for your email. I have now had the opportunity to review your query, and I’m afraid I am not the right person to represent this project.
As you probably know, publishing is an industry based largely on instinct and emotional response, especially where nonfiction is concerned. Since your work so richly deserves the energetic and passionate representation that I can’t offer you, I will step aside for an agent who can and undoubtedly will.
I wish you the best of luck and much success!
Most sincerely,
Margaret Riley King
Margaret Riley King | WME
Agent Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 07/13/2023 - New email address and website.
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