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Ms. Ilyana Rose-Davila

Barbara Bova Literary Agency

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Ilyana Rose-Davila

Barbara Bova Literary Agency

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01/23/2025 03:49 PM
Followiing their website instructions, did not specify an agent. Ilyana seems to be the only open one right now anyway.
09/10/2024 12:16 PM
Just FYI you guys: I LOVED Ben Bova's SF books. But from what I see on Publishers Marketplace, there are no records of any sales by Ilyana Rose-Davila, Brandy Vallance or Sara Kornienko. (Correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe they aren't reporting sales.) It appears that the agency itself hasn't published any new books since 2009 except for a 2024 sale of a posthumous collaboration Bova/Johnson, which was repped by Ken Bova (Ben's son), who isn't a listed agent at the agency. Earlier books 2004-2009 are repped by another agency for the Bova agency. So you might want to try elsewhere.
06/25/2024 08:23 AM
If you click on her name in the Meet our Agents page, you get this email: ilyanabovaagency@gmail.com instead of the slush pile one. That's the one I'll feel more comfortable reaching out to, whether they like it or not. Slush pile is just not appropriate.
Patrick (Admin)
05/21/2024 05:54 PM
@dkayvalentine, I think when they say “staff” they mean employees who are not agents.
05/21/2024 04:57 PM
On their website it asks we not send unsolicited queries to the staff. Does that mean that we should not query? I'm confused.
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