Ms. Eve Adler
Red Fox Literary
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Only accepting queries from conferences and referrals.
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Middle Grade
Picture Book
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Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/07/2023 10:15 AM
@LIMAMA1956 - not that I have seen in the past 2-3 yrs of watching Red Fox. You have to find conference/workshop/other opps that allow you to query a specific agent. For example, in Nov 2022, SCBWI members were allowed to query Eva for the month of Nov. Also, March 25, 2023, my SCBWI region, Southern Breeze, is having their Spring Mingle conference (in person this time) and attendees will be allowed to query guest faculty, one of which is Red Fox's Stephanie Fretwell-Hill. There was also an opp to buy a critique from her, but those went veeeery quickly.
02/20/2023 08:31 AM
11/14/22: MG Historical fiction, 35K words (through SCBWI member link)
2/19/23: Rejection
"Thanks so much for sending me [title], which was a pleasure to review.
The premise of this story is interesting, and the characters are certainly engaging. That said, I'm afraid I didn't connect with this project quite enough to take it on. I'm so sorry I'm not the right match. Of course, this is just one opinion, so another agent might feel differently!
Thanks again for sharing your work with me. I wish you the best of luck in finding the right agent!"
2/19/23: Rejection
"Thanks so much for sending me [title], which was a pleasure to review.
The premise of this story is interesting, and the characters are certainly engaging. That said, I'm afraid I didn't connect with this project quite enough to take it on. I'm so sorry I'm not the right match. Of course, this is just one opinion, so another agent might feel differently!
Thanks again for sharing your work with me. I wish you the best of luck in finding the right agent!"
02/19/2023 08:50 PM
11/29/22 - MG historical fiction, 60k words (through SCBWI referral link)
2/19/23 - Rejection
"Thanks so much for sending me [title], which was a pleasure to review.
The characters in this story are engaging, and you certainly cover important history. That said, I'm afraid I didn't connect with this project quite enough to take it on. I'm so sorry I'm not the right match. Of course, this is just one opinion, so another agent might feel differently!
Thanks again for sharing your work with me. I wish you the best of luck in finding the right agent!
2/19/23 - Rejection
"Thanks so much for sending me [title], which was a pleasure to review.
The characters in this story are engaging, and you certainly cover important history. That said, I'm afraid I didn't connect with this project quite enough to take it on. I'm so sorry I'm not the right match. Of course, this is just one opinion, so another agent might feel differently!
Thanks again for sharing your work with me. I wish you the best of luck in finding the right agent!
11/28/2022 04:11 PM
I recently queried Eve and she asked for query and first 10 pages and a synopsis. This was through a link posted to an interview with blog as she was closed to general queries. I don't know if this is her standard ask, but I would assume it would be
I recently queried Eve and she asked for query and first 10 pages and a synopsis. This was through a link posted to an interview with blog as she was closed to general queries. I don't know if this is her standard ask, but I would assume it would be
11/06/2022 08:29 AM
Does anyone know what Red Fox's submissions guidelines are? SCBWI members can submit to her during November, but her QueryManager form doesn't specify how much of the manuscript she wants, her MSWL doesn't say, and Red Fox's submissions page just says they're closed. Thanks!
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 06/03/2024 -
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