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Ms. Christabel McKinley

David Higham Associates Ltd

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Christabel McKinley

David Higham Associates Ltd

6th Floor, Waverley House, 7–12 Noel Street
London W1F 8GQ
Varies. See website.
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Picture Book
Science Fiction
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Kate J. Armstrong
Olivia Atwater
Penny Boxall
Sophie Clark
Helen Comerford
Emily Ann Davison
Salomey Doku
Anna Lena Feunekes
Chris Galvin
Cait Jacobs
Vanessa Len
Sunya Mara
Skye Melki-Wegner
Alexandra Page
Dashe Roberts
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/09/2025 08:11 AM
Q: 12/30/24
Fantasy / 93K
Nudge: 3/9/25

02/23/2025 07:26 PM
@Runrunrund On the main agency website under their submissions guidelines, it does indeed say "We aim to respond to all submissions within twelve weeks, though please be advised this may not be possible at busy times of the year. During that time do please let us know if another agent has requested your complete manuscript or offered you representation."
02/17/2025 02:10 PM
Queried: 2nd Jan 2025.
Form rejection: 17th Feb 2025.
02/15/2025 11:31 AM
Hey all! I see a few of you have mentioned this agent's policies about nudging when you receive a full manuscript request. I couldn't find on the website where it says that. Is this still the case? I received a full request from someone else and would love to follow up if that's her policy, but don't want to bother her if not. Thanks!
01/24/2025 11:00 AM
Queried 1/18/25
Form rejection 1/24/25
Adult fantasy 129K
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