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Ms. Maddy Belton

The Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency

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Maddy Belton

The Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Science Fiction
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Jules Arbeaux
Lindsey Byrd
Katja Kaine
Rosie Talbot
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/19/2024 04:58 AM
Online Form Query Apr 26th
CNR at 12 weeks
96k Adult (Dark-ish) Fantasy
06/22/2024 03:44 PM
Submited via form: 06/22/2024
06/10/2024 07:30 AM
Queried on online form April 23, 2024
Notified next day of ms request from another agent.


06/09/2024 03:51 PM
Query sent: 6/9/24
Fantasy 77k
05/07/2024 01:10 PM
EQ: Jan 15, 2023 (YA fantasy)
Full: Jan 16, 2023
Nudge: May 1, 2023
Kind response: May 2, 2023

I just want to say that Maddy is SUPER nice and SUPER responsive! I was so nervous about nudging; I didn't want her to think I was being pushy. But she responded quickly to say she was backed up with subs and hadn't gotten to mine yet. I was so grateful. Definitely someone you would want to work with!!

UPDATE: 8/9/23 Still haven't heard back from Maddy about my MS that was submitted back in January.

UPDATE: 10/9/23 I nudged her again in September and didn't get a response. Not sure if my email got lost in the mix, but I just nudged her again today, so we'll see what happens. It's been so long and I've had tons of requests (and, of course, rejections) since January.

UPDATE: 10/16/23 Two sentence rejection that feels almost like a form. I can honestly say that few things have hurt as much during this querying process as the end to this little saga.

Forgot to update!

12/08/2024 Queried Maddy my new adult romantasy
Updated her on many full requests but never received a response.
4/16/2024 Informed her of offer of rep, no response so far
5/7/2024 No response, query withdrawn

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Katja Kaine

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