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Ms. Vicky Weber

Creative Media Agency

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Changed agencies. Formerly with The Purcell Agency.

Vicky Weber

Creative Media Agency

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


  • Fantasy, Contemporary/Urban
  • Fantasy, Dark
  • Fantasy, Magical Realism
Middle Grade
  • Middle Grade, Fantasy
New Adult
Picture Book
  • Romance, Fantasy
  • Romance, Historical
  • Romance, Thriller/Suspense
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Fantasy
  • Young Adult, Horror
  • Young Adult, Mystery
  • Young Adult, Paranormal
  • Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
  • Young Adult, Romance
  • Young Adult, Thriller/Suspense


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Known Clients (current & past)
Christine Alemshah
Tamara Haque
Alexandra Hoffman
Julie Lew
Fabiana Muñoz
Leslie Johnson Piotrowski
Annemarie Riley Guertin
Jared Salmond
Ce Santiago
Sierra Yang
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/26/2024 08:11 AM
235 word PB

7/17/24 - Queried
7/23/24 - Requested additional MS
7/24/24 - Sent additional MS
7/25/24 - Passed

Very encouraging. Asked to query again next year with new materials if I wasn't agented by then.

07/25/2024 09:20 AM
Submitted July 16 Adult Psychological Horror 83k
July 18 R&R

Rejected but with the sweetest pass and most encouraging words.
07/24/2024 12:23 PM
June 8, 2024: query submitted
June 9, 2024: mini R&R of the first 2 chapters I'd submitted/partial request of the first 5 chapters (though QT has it auto-tracked as a full). Encouraged me to take my time so it'll likely be a bit before I send her my materials. Super excited, it's my first request of any kind so even if it doesn't pan out, it feels momentous.
June 13, 2024: submitted first 5 chapters (wc updated to 107.5k)
July 23, 2024: rejection citing some things she really liked as well as her feeling my names/vocabulary/exposition were confusing and that she found my character to be too unlikable. I can't say it doesn't sting or that I (or my CPs) 100% agree with everything she said, but that's the risk of receiving feedback (and why many agents don't like to give it!). Gonna go lick my wounds a bit, see if there's anything in her response I want to use constructively, and go from there.

113k Adult Fantasy

07/22/2024 01:20 PM
MG Fantasy 52,000 words
Submitted 7/13
Rejection 7/22

Thanks for sending XXXX to me! While I love your concept, the execution isn't where I'd need it to be to move forward. That said, I see so much potential here and would be open to seeing it again in the future.

Best wishes,
Vicky Weber
07/22/2024 10:02 AM
QM - 7/16/24
Partial Request - 7/20/24
Submitted Partial - 7/22/24
70k contemporary romance
#ShootYourShotSunday post on Twitter/X

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Profile History
Last Update:
07/11/2024 - Open to queries. Genres updated.
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