Ms. Vicky Weber
Creative Media Agency
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Vicky Weber
Creative Media Agency
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- @vickyweberbooks
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Family Saga
• Fantasy, Contemporary/Urban
• Fantasy, Dark
• Fantasy, Magical Realism
Middle Grade
• Middle Grade, Fantasy
New Adult
Picture Book
• Romance, Category
• Romance, Contemporary
• Romance, Fantasy
• Romance, Historical
• Romance, Paranormal
• Romance, Thriller/Suspense
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
• Young Adult, Fantasy
• Young Adult, Horror
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Known Clients (current & past)
Christine Alemshah
Tamara Haque
Alexandra Hoffman
Julie Lew
Fabiana Muñoz
Vikki Patis
Leslie Johnson Piotrowski
Annemarie Riley Guertin
S.R. Ruiz
Jared Salmond
Ce Santiago
Sierra Yang
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
02/16/2025 08:54 PM
75k Histroical Romance
Thank you for submitting A PORTRAIT OF FREEDOM to me. When making a decision, I have to consider many factors such as current market trends, my editor contact list, my current workload, and how much additional work a manuscript might require to reach its full potential. Unfortunately, yours isn't the right fit for me at this time.
Please keep in mind that this is a highly subjective industry, and what may not be the right match for me could be exactly what another agent is seeking. You are welcome to send this to another agent at Creative Media Agency for consideration if you think they'd be a fit.
Thank you again for sharing your work with me.
Vicky Weber
75k Histroical Romance
Thank you for submitting A PORTRAIT OF FREEDOM to me. When making a decision, I have to consider many factors such as current market trends, my editor contact list, my current workload, and how much additional work a manuscript might require to reach its full potential. Unfortunately, yours isn't the right fit for me at this time.
Please keep in mind that this is a highly subjective industry, and what may not be the right match for me could be exactly what another agent is seeking. You are welcome to send this to another agent at Creative Media Agency for consideration if you think they'd be a fit.
Thank you again for sharing your work with me.
Vicky Weber
02/13/2025 02:43 PM
Q for 73k thriller. 2/6/25
Rejected 2/12/25
Thanks for sending XXX my way for consideration! While there's much to admire about your manuscript, I'm afraid the execution didn't quite captivate me in the way I had hoped, and for that reason, I won't be able to move forward with representation at this time.
Rejected 2/12/25
Thanks for sending XXX my way for consideration! While there's much to admire about your manuscript, I'm afraid the execution didn't quite captivate me in the way I had hoped, and for that reason, I won't be able to move forward with representation at this time.
02/13/2025 05:51 AM
Queried 7th Feb 2025.
Update - Rejection 13th Feb 2025
Update - Rejection 13th Feb 2025
02/13/2025 12:27 AM
Q: 2/7/25
R: 2/13/25
Adult fantasy, 85k
Form rejection
R: 2/13/25
Adult fantasy, 85k
Form rejection
Agent Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 01/17/2025 - Genres updated.
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R - 2/14/25
93K urban fantasy mystery
Thank you for submitting TO BE HUMAN to me. I truly loved the concept, it's a bit too similar to another manuscript I already represent, and I never want to pit my authors against one another in a crowded market. Unfortunately, this is a pass. Please know that this has nothing to do with your concept or the quality of your writing - I love what you've done here and wish I could represent every good book to come across my desk.