Ms. Gabriella Melendez
Great Dog Literary
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Gabriella Melendez
Great Dog Literary
- Website:
- Twitter (X):
- @Briella_Noelle
- AALA Member:
- No
Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Family Saga
• Fantasy, Contemporary/Urban
• Fantasy, Magical Realism
New Adult
• Romance, Category
• Romance, Contemporary
• Romance, Paranormal
Young Adult
• Young Adult, Contemporary
• Young Adult, Fantasy
• Young Adult, Historical
• Young Adult, Literary
• Young Adult, Mystery
• Young Adult, Paranormal
• Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
• Young Adult, Romance
• Young Adult, Science Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Tegan Cassell
Allison Davis
E.l Starling
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/25/2025 05:44 PM
Q: 3/18
R: 3/24
77,000 speculative fiction
R: 3/24
77,000 speculative fiction
03/17/2025 10:40 AM
Q: 3/13
Rejection: 3/17
110k High Fantasy
Reply seemed different from the usual ones.
Thank you for the opportunity to read [Title], which I have carefully considered but decided to decline. I am sorry to say that I do not think this material would be right for me, and therefore I would not make your most effective advocate.
I apologize for the form reply, but the volume of queries I receive means that individual replies are impossible. This is the only way to ensure that every query gets a timely evaluation and response, and I appreciate your understanding.
If, however, you end up querying a new project in the future, I would of course be happy to consider it.
Rejection: 3/17
110k High Fantasy
Reply seemed different from the usual ones.
Thank you for the opportunity to read [Title], which I have carefully considered but decided to decline. I am sorry to say that I do not think this material would be right for me, and therefore I would not make your most effective advocate.
I apologize for the form reply, but the volume of queries I receive means that individual replies are impossible. This is the only way to ensure that every query gets a timely evaluation and response, and I appreciate your understanding.
If, however, you end up querying a new project in the future, I would of course be happy to consider it.
03/12/2025 02:42 PM
Q: 3/3/25
X: 3/12/25
Thank you for the opportunity to read [TITLE], which I have carefully considered but decided to decline. Please keep in mind that this is a very subjective field and while I found the premise of your novel very interesting, I wasn't as captivated as I needed to be at the line level. I'm sure another agent will feel differently and I hope this manuscript finds its way to someone who is ready to more passionately advocate for it soon.
It doesn't appear to be a form response, which is a first for me. I'll take it.
X: 3/12/25
Thank you for the opportunity to read [TITLE], which I have carefully considered but decided to decline. Please keep in mind that this is a very subjective field and while I found the premise of your novel very interesting, I wasn't as captivated as I needed to be at the line level. I'm sure another agent will feel differently and I hope this manuscript finds its way to someone who is ready to more passionately advocate for it soon.
It doesn't appear to be a form response, which is a first for me. I'll take it.
03/10/2025 10:41 AM
QM: 3/7/25
FR: 3/10/25
63k literary ya
"Thank you for the opportunity to read TITLE, which I have carefully considered but decided to decline. I am sorry to say that I do not think this material would be right for me, and therefore I would not make your most effective advocate.
I apologize for the form reply, but the volume of queries I receive means that individual replies are impossible. This is the only way to ensure that every query gets a timely evaluation and response, and I appreciate your understanding.
If, however, you end up querying a new project in the future, I would of course be happy to consider it."
FR: 3/10/25
63k literary ya
"Thank you for the opportunity to read TITLE, which I have carefully considered but decided to decline. I am sorry to say that I do not think this material would be right for me, and therefore I would not make your most effective advocate.
I apologize for the form reply, but the volume of queries I receive means that individual replies are impossible. This is the only way to ensure that every query gets a timely evaluation and response, and I appreciate your understanding.
If, however, you end up querying a new project in the future, I would of course be happy to consider it."
Agent Interviews
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None found for this agent
Profile History
- Last Update:
- 03/03/2025 - Open to queries.
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Partial request for 100 pages: 11/13, sent same day
Full request: 12/5, sent same day
R&R suggestion with detailed notes: 1/16
R&R submitted: 3/5
Message asking to have The Call: 3/10
Offer of rep: 3/14