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Ms. Jane Graham Maw

Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents

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Jane Graham Maw

Graham Maw Christie Literary Agents

37 Highbury Place
London N5 1QP
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This agent is seeking the following genres:




General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Bronte Aurell
Louise Avery
Amy Baker
Elizabeth Bentley
Jane Brocket
Sheila Chandra
Rana Conway
Sally Coulthard
Vybarr Cregan-Reid
Sara Davenport
Simon Dawson
Oli Doyle
Ruari Fairbairns
Rachel Fitz-Desorgher
Michael Foley
Linda Gask
Jill Greenwood
Amber Hatch
Jessamy Hibberd
Richard Hood
Norman Jacobs
Cathryn Kemp
Gael Lindenfield
Peter Lloyd
Heather Lyons
Dannii Martin
Alex Monroe
Nick Moyle
Sarah Norris
Gavin Presman
Andy Ramage
Suzy Reading
Juliet Sear
Corinne Sweet
Fern Taylor
Jenny Tschiesche
Jo Usmar
Carl Vernon
Richard Wilson
Suzi Witt
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
08/31/2022 08:29 PM
be sure to include:
a one-page summary of the topic
a detailed chapter-by-chapter outline
your credentials for writing this book
any online profile and social media
an overview of the market and competing titles
how you could help promote and sell the book
1-2 sample chapters (or more, depending on the complexity of your project)
your contact details
09/17/2019 04:31 PM
Thank you very much for your submission. Unfortunately, this is not one for us, but please keep in mind that other agencies may feel differently. One source you might consult is the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook, which provides listings of agents. A link to their page, along with links to other useful resources, can be found on our site at http://www.grahammawchristie.com/submissions.html. We wish you the very best of luck in your search
05/11/2018 09:33 AM
This one looks very promising for memoir - non fiction specialists
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
05/02/2017 08:50 AM
Profile Update: This agent reviewed and approved this listing.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
06/25/2012 10:14 AM
Profile Update: Added email address. (Thanks richcapo)
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Profile History
Last Update:
07/15/2024 - Genres updated.
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