Ms. Carey Blankenship-Kramer

Belcastro Agency

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Carey Blankenship-Kramer

Belcastro Agency

Belcastro Agency
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Graphic Novel
Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
  • Middle Grade, Contemporary
  • Middle Grade, Fantasy
  • Middle Grade, Historical
  • Middle Grade, Horror
  • Middle Grade, Literary
  • Middle Grade, Mystery
  • Middle Grade, Science Fiction
New Adult
Picture Book
  • Romance, Contemporary
  • Romance, Paranormal
  • Romance, Thriller/Suspense
Science Fiction
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Fantasy
  • Young Adult, Horror
  • Young Adult, Literary
  • Young Adult, Mystery
  • Young Adult, Paranormal
  • Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
  • Young Adult, Romance
  • Young Adult, Science Fiction


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07/25/2024 12:21 PM

You can reopen the query and edit it to indicate the rejection and date received. Hope this helps.

07/22/2024 09:08 PM
Sadly, even after querying Carey, Query Tracker did not show that my query letter had been submitted (it still does not, and says instead that it was "auto-closed" after no response after 120 days).

I decided to randomly check again just this morning, only to find by clicking the original "you queried" link in my email (not Query Tracker itself) that just a couple of days ago, Carey finally replied with essentially the same form letter rejection sent to many below. I queried back in early March, so it's been a long, long wait, and I wish Query Tracker would have informed me of the rejection when Carey posted it two days ago. I have been considering if I ought to nudge her or send a message on here, or if I would have to go to Query Tracker for extra help on what to do. It was horribly disappointing to have to try to do everything manually and go a long, roundabout way of checking on query status, only to end up with a cold FR.

If anyone has figured out why Carey's account does this and if it's something that happens with other agents on here, I hope they'll post a comment reply. This is the only one I've encountered doing this so far, so I would be grateful to know if it's some sort of avoidable bug on the program. How terribly frustrating and inconvenient to worry all along if it actually reached her and still have it be showing up as "closed due to inactivity", not because of rejection.

07/09/2024 04:08 PM
QM 3/8/2024
Form: 7/9/2024

MG paranormal fantasy 39k

06/17/2024 10:49 AM
QM: June 1st MGHub request Middle Grade CF 46k
06/15/2024 10:10 AM
27Mar: query via email
13June: Reject
Note: she provided a link with rationale behind her form rejection letters. Link below. Learned that I'm the most common...

Dear xx,
Thank you so much for querying me with ___________ I'm sorry, but your project doesn't sound like a great fit for me at this time, so I'm going to pass. I know this can be frustrating to hear, but another agent may feel totally differently. This is just my personal tastes, so please keep querying and trying other agents! Take my rejection with a grain of salt.
Thank you so much again, and best of luck finding the perfect partner for you. Have a wonderful day.
P.S: If you'd like more insight into what this rejection means, consider reading my blog "My Form Rejections & What They Mean":
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Last Update:
04/01/2024 - Closed to queries.
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