Mr. Michael Congdon
Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
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Michael Congdon
Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
New York, NY
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Current Affairs/Politics
True Adventure/Crime
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Known Clients (current & past)
Ray Bradbury
David Sedaris
Author Comments
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Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
10/19/2020 06:57 PM
Profile Update: Genres updated.
02/05/2020 09:05 AM
EQ 2-5-20 Thriller A Father's SIn 80k
11/01/2019 04:37 PM
Query: 10/29/19
Reject: 11/1/19
Form letter however, lovely language that somehow made you feel "less than horrific" about yourself. I would imagine he is a nice person somehow as he spent the extra minute to write a helpful, kind letter.
Thank you for your query. I appreciate the opportunity to consider your novel for possible representation but having read your description and sample material I’m not enthusiastic enough about it to be the right agent for you. However, don’t let my response discourage you as this is only my opinion and as there are lots of agents there is a good chance you’ll find another who feels differently. I highly recommend the website of the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR),, whose members adhere to a Canon of Ethics.
I’m sorry that I can’t respond in a more detailed and personal manner because of the large number of queries I receive. Thanks for thinking of me, and I wish you the best of luck with _________.
Michael Congdon
Reject: 11/1/19
Form letter however, lovely language that somehow made you feel "less than horrific" about yourself. I would imagine he is a nice person somehow as he spent the extra minute to write a helpful, kind letter.
Thank you for your query. I appreciate the opportunity to consider your novel for possible representation but having read your description and sample material I’m not enthusiastic enough about it to be the right agent for you. However, don’t let my response discourage you as this is only my opinion and as there are lots of agents there is a good chance you’ll find another who feels differently. I highly recommend the website of the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR),, whose members adhere to a Canon of Ethics.
I’m sorry that I can’t respond in a more detailed and personal manner because of the large number of queries I receive. Thanks for thinking of me, and I wish you the best of luck with _________.
Michael Congdon
02/09/2019 07:48 AM
EQ 1/28/19 (2nd/final requery Venom)
ER 2/4/19 (Passed--can't offer rep)
ER 2/4/19 (Passed--can't offer rep)
10/15/2018 01:59 PM
EQ: 10/12/2018
ER: 10/14/2018
Suspense thriller 65K
It was a form letter but it was personalized and even gave me a little compliment in the first paragraph, so it felt good, even though it was a rejection. Also, Michael is the son of Don Congdon who was the agent of the late, great Ray Bradbury, so it felt like an honor to be rejected by him.
“I married Don Congdon the same month I married my wife,” Mr. Bradbury said in a speech to the National Book Foundation in 2000. “So I had 53 years of being spoiled by my wife and by Don Congdon. We’ve never had a fight or an argument during that time because he’s always been out on the road ahead of me clearing away the dragons and the monsters and the fakes.” Mr. Bradbury dedicated his novel “Fahrenheit 451” to Mr. Congdon.
ER: 10/14/2018
Suspense thriller 65K
It was a form letter but it was personalized and even gave me a little compliment in the first paragraph, so it felt good, even though it was a rejection. Also, Michael is the son of Don Congdon who was the agent of the late, great Ray Bradbury, so it felt like an honor to be rejected by him.
“I married Don Congdon the same month I married my wife,” Mr. Bradbury said in a speech to the National Book Foundation in 2000. “So I had 53 years of being spoiled by my wife and by Don Congdon. We’ve never had a fight or an argument during that time because he’s always been out on the road ahead of me clearing away the dragons and the monsters and the fakes.” Mr. Bradbury dedicated his novel “Fahrenheit 451” to Mr. Congdon.
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 10/19/2020 - Genres updated.
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