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Ms. Michelle Kass

Michelle Kass Associates

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Michelle Kass

Michelle Kass Associates

85 Charing Cross Road
London WC2H 0AA
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Query Methods
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Postal Mail
This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Derek Landy
Patrick Ness
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
08/30/2024 06:13 AM
The number on the website works as of August/September 2024, and you'll go straight through to the right person to pitch to. Don't forget to remove either the +44 or the 0 at the start of the number as the website includes both (probably assuming people will read and dial it rather than let their phones interpet automatically).
12/04/2023 05:52 AM
Call them first, the number on the website doesn't work it seems so google it. Then give them a brief description of your submission. They seem to like low fantasy and stuff based in our world.

Have submitted, will see if I get anywhere further.
08/30/2023 08:36 AM
Just gave them a ring, was immediately told that MK is only interested in debut authors so if you have a publication history of any kind, they won't want to see your book. Hope this saves time for other novelists!
11/02/2022 06:08 AM
Prefer a telephone conversation. Not looking for middle grade fiction as apparently "it doesn't sell" In answer to the question from Johnny555 the telephone number is 020 7439 1624
05/13/2021 06:30 AM
How do you contact this agency and do they still exist? The website is down, the phone never gets answered. Any ideas?
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