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Mr. Robert Dudley

Robert Dudley Agency

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Robert Dudley

Robert Dudley Agency

135a Bridge Street, Ashford
Kent TN25 5DP
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This agent is seeking the following genres:




Current Affairs/Politics
General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Robert Ashton
Ben Barry
Ian Baxter
Martin Bicknell
Steve Biko
Graham Bowles
John Bradley
Neel Burton
Simon Caulkin
Peter Chambers
Peter Collins
Paul Cornish
Tony Cornish
Clive Couldwell
Phil Davidson
Roger Day
Ali Dizaei
Jim Drury
Chris Foote-Wood
Paul Gannon
Ian Gardner
Garry A Garrard
Chris Green
Tim Guest
David Hanrahan
Andrew Harley
Brian Holden Reid
Solomon Hughes
Cecil Jenkins
Martin King
Dale Le Vack
Duncan Martin
Mungo Melvin
David Osler
Tim Phillips
Ian Pont
Nick Rengger
Heather Reynolds
Ben Rooney
Michael Scott
Sol Shulman
Chris Sidwells
Rosy Thornton
David Tweedie
Martyn Whittock
Dan Wilson
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
11/06/2024 11:45 AM
I exchanged a few emails with Mr. Dudley, and in short, he was extremely abrasive and demeaning, and it was obvious he barely read my query letter, so I'm not even sure why I bothered conversing with him in the first place.

I would give this guy a pass, because if his representation is anything like his behavior, you don't want him working with you.
08/16/2008 12:00 PM
Website to be found at http://www.robertdudleyagency.co.uk/
Agent accepts both email and snail main submissions, and has an online submission/contact form.

According to his website, "RDA handles both fiction and non-fiction. Non-fiction subjects covered include history, memoir, military history, health, sport, current affairs, biography and business."

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