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Ms. Jennie Dunham

Dunham Literary, Inc.

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Jennie Dunham

Dunham Literary, Inc.

110 William Street, Suite 2202
New York, NY 10038-3901
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


Graphic Novel
Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
New Adult
Picture Book
  • Picture Book, Author
  • Picture Book, Illustrator
Women's Fiction
Young Adult


Current Affairs/Politics
General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Mark Bowden
Nick Bruel
Marlene Carvell
Fred Chappell
Leslie Connor
Sandra Dutton
Jody Feldman
Tod Goldberg
Phillip Hoose
Shawna Kenney
Reeve Lindbergh
Barbara McClintock
Margaret McMullan
Matthew Reinhart
Robert Sabuda
Anne Shinoda
Author Comments
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Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
07/15/2024 07:42 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries. Thanks SDSWriter
07/15/2024 05:09 PM
@Patrick Dunham is apparently closed to queries! Just received the following auto-response to my email:

Thank you for your interest in Dunham Literary, Inc.

We are currently closed to unsolicited submissions. All unsolicited
queries received will be deleted unread.

This does not include queries from conference attendees, online pitch
contests, or referrals, which are considered solicited submissions. If
your query falls in this category, please disregard this message.

Please watch social media for announcements about when Dunham Literary
will open for queries again.

Please feel free to submit your unsolicited query after we open again,
and we will be happy to consider it.

Dunham Literary, Inc.

07/08/2024 12:05 PM
EQ: 7/4/24
FR: 7/8/24

Polite form rejection.
07/01/2024 06:41 PM
email: 6/21/2024
6/26/2024 Well...I got a response, but the message was blank? it just was my query again? emailed her back, hopefully she sees it hahahaha (going to assume it's a rejection, especially if she never responds, but just weird)
6/27/2024 she just got back to me. It was supposed to be a request!
6/28/2024 Sent!
7/1/2024 just got a confirmation email that she received the MS. Gave me a bit of a heart attack though haha

MG 39k fantasy

06/17/2024 11:52 AM
Email submission and a very quick rejection. The speed is appreciated, if nothing else.
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Profile History
Last Update:
07/15/2024 - Closed to queries.
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