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Ms. Molly Ketcheson

Wolfson Literary Agency

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Molly Ketcheson

Wolfson Literary Agency

New York, NY
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Family Saga
  • Fantasy, Contemporary/Urban
  • Fantasy, Magical Realism
Literary Fiction
New Adult
  • Romance, Contemporary
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Fantasy
  • Young Adult, Literary
  • Young Adult, Romance


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07/22/2024 06:58 PM
Queried 6/10/24. Form reject 7/22/24. 97K YA contemporary.
07/22/2024 06:28 PM
Kind form rejection after 43 days. Good luck, everyone!
07/17/2024 01:16 PM
QM: 3/1
50 page partial + synopsis: 3/30

Wolfson Literary is very clear about their nudge guidelines, as quoted from their website: "We tend to respond to partials VERY SLOWLY. If you have not heard back on your partial in 6-8 weeks, you should feel free to send a polite follow-up email. And every 4 weeks after that until you wear us down. We wouldn’t say this if we didn’t mean it."

First nudge: 5/13 (no reply)
Second nudge: 6/25 (no reply)

As of 7/17 and 108 days, I still have yet to receive an answer to my nudges or partial. I know Molly is very behind on requested material so I'm not writing this one off as a CNR quite yet, but I have a feeling it's going to be awhile folks... And yes, I will still be following up every four weeks because in the agency's own words, they wouldn't say that if they didn't mean it.

89k YA Fantasy
07/16/2024 05:35 PM
QM 7.3.2024
85k Adult Romantasy
07/12/2024 01:16 PM
Waiting to hear back on a partial request. It's been 130 days....
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