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Ms. Jennifer Jackson

Donald Maass Literary Agency

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Jennifer Jackson

Donald Maass Literary Agency

1000 Dean Street, Suite 252
Brooklyn, NY 11238
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Science Fiction
Women's Fiction
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Shelley Adina
Saladin Ahmed
Jennifer Banash
Patricia Bray
Carol Culver
Seth Dickinson
Amanda Downum
Carol Grace
Brenda Hiatt
P.C. Hodgell
Jocelyn Kelley
Chris Knopf
Mary Robinette Kowal
Sharon Lee
Steve Miller
Tamsyn Muir
Cherie Priest
Laure E. Reeve
Ken Scholes
Ekaterina Sedia
Adina Senft
Mike Shepherd
Mike Shevdon
Kristine Smith
Rob Thurman
Genevieve Valentine
Martha Wells
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
11/27/2022 07:00 PM
BIPOC submission, adult science fiction, 120k
Queried 3/21, full request 3/24, sent 4/02, nudged at 6 month mark with no response
11/16/2022 08:58 AM
BIPOC EQ: 24 June.
Full Req: 13 July (sent next day)
Nudges on 3, 6, and 9 month mark.
Response to 9-month nudge, saying it's still in queue.
Another nudge today on the sixteen-month mark.

04/27/2022 05:48 PM
EQ: 03/25/22
Form rejection 04/27/22

epic fantasy, 101.5K (BIPOC)
04/14/2022 09:02 AM
BIPOC submission, adult sci-fi/fantasy, 108K
Submitted: 2/23
Form rejection: 3/9
04/06/2022 01:03 PM
BIPOC EQ: 6/1/21
Full request: 6/7/21 (also asked: "as a courtesy, please let me know if other agents are currently reading as well")
Worked on a revise/resubmit for another agent thru Dec 2021
Nudged 12/8/21 with offer to submit revised ms
Nudged again 1/25/22
Nudged again 4/6/22 and included revised ms
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Profile History
Last Update:
07/13/2021 - Closed to queries.
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