Jo Ramsay

Transatlantic Literary Agency

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Jo Ramsay

Transatlantic Literary Agency

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction
Graphic Novel
Literary Fiction
Science Fiction


Cultural/Social Issues
Current Affairs/Politics
Pop Culture
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07/08/2024 04:34 PM
Email Query 6/12/24
Full request 7/4/24

Upmarket with speculative elements, 97k words.

Similar to the comment below, lots and lot of information requested with the full (one-page synopsis, content warnings, alternate manuscript titles, five comparison books published in the past five years, social media usernames, and a description of next work-in-progress.)
07/04/2024 07:08 PM
Email query 5/27/24
Full request 7/4/24 (Shocked to see this come through on the 4th of July, but then I remembered that Jo is Canadian!)
Submission sent the same day.

FYI-- if you get a full request, you will be asked for a lot of information: a one-page synopsis (with content warnings), two or three alternate manuscript titles, five comparison books (published in the past five years), your social media usernames, and a description of your next work-in-progress.

This might be a standard ask across all Transatlantic agents.

Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed! :]
07/03/2024 11:02 AM
EQ: 4/10/24
CNR: 7/3/24
06/24/2024 04:51 PM
This agent seemed so great but they state up front that they basically don't respond to queries unless interested due to the "overwhelming volume" and this was when they had like 20 queries in queue. They currently have 155 listed in the system. Unless there are vast numbers more than what's being recorded (general rule I have been told is to assume is that 30-50% don't get recorded in the QT system) then that's not a lot. Everyone's level of overwhelm is different but still feels like this is someone I'm not jazzed to query for my next project.

So, just so you know to temper your expectations from the start.
06/23/2024 06:16 AM
@lamgotharts - they're still on the website. It looks like they are new to Transatlantic.
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