Ms. Liv Ivanov

Creative Media Agency

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Liv Ivanov

Creative Media Agency

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


  • Fantasy, Contemporary/Urban
  • Fantasy, Magical Realism
New Adult
  • Romance, Paranormal
  • Romance, Thriller/Suspense
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Fantasy
  • Young Adult, Mystery
  • Young Adult, Paranormal
  • Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
  • Young Adult, Science Fiction
  • Young Adult, Thriller/Suspense


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Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
09/07/2024 08:35 AM
Profile Update: Genres updated.
09/04/2024 02:01 AM
Queried: 09/02/2024
Rejection: 09/03/2024
Fantasy 195K

Understandably and politely told length is too long for a debut novel. Otherwise, similar form rejection to commentors here.

Appreciate the quick response time! Would happily query again with a more manageable word count.
09/01/2024 08:21 PM
Resubmitted 09/01/2024 after big edits:

Thank you so much for sharing TITLE with me. While I enjoyed the premise, the story's opening didn't hook me in the way I had hoped. While this is a pass from me at the moment, I would be open to seeing this project again in the future, as I enjoyed your concept!

While this may not be the best fit for me at the moment, reading preferences are extremely subjective, and so I encourage you to always continue writing, and to keep submitting your query to other agents. I'm also happy to consider future projects, and so please feel free to query me again if you have any new manuscripts you'd like me to consider.
08/30/2024 10:04 AM
Queried: 08/29/2024
Rejection: 08/30/2024
Adult Fantasy 224K

The word count strikes out. I can't lie - this one crushed me.
08/30/2024 05:58 AM
liked my pitdark post on May 23 but gave a next-day form rejection. Yet I'm grateful for the fast response.
EQ: 05/24/2024
FR: 05/25/2024
Adult Fantasy
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Profile History
Last Update:
09/07/2024 - Genres updated.
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