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Mr. Keith Stillman

Sobel Weber Associates

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Keith Stillman

Sobel Weber Associates

New York, NY
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11/15/2024 03:41 PM
@Elysia....you can send Keith an email with any questions, and he will be happy to help. I had a query question and emailed him. His reply was quick, and he was kind and helpful. I apologize if you've already queried or emailed him, I just saw this and thought I'd help. :)
11/10/2024 04:42 PM
This agent has on his manuscript wishlist that he wants all types of fantasy, including YA fantasy, but the agency website says "We are not looking for young adult, picture books, fantasy, westerns, or romances. "
10/31/2024 04:47 PM
Q via E-Mail 10/22/2024 Rejected 10/31/2024
This agent is one of the few that has responded to an email query. Even though it was a rejection, I greatly appreciate the fact that he at least replied
10/28/2024 04:06 PM
10 day turnaround on a Query. Short form response.

“Thank you for your query. While I don’t believe I’m the best agent for this project, I wish you luck in your continued search for representation.”
10/15/2024 07:24 AM
"I believe The Great Journalist will not only captivate readers with its gripping narrative but also spark important conversations about the interplay of power and morality in journalism, and I would be thrilled to have your support in bringing this story to life."

Feel free to modify it as needed!
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