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Ms. Taryn Fagerness

Taryn Fagerness Agency, LLC

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Taryn Fagerness

Taryn Fagerness Agency, LLC

302 Washington Street #944
San Diego, CA 92103
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10/17/2011 04:04 PM
Forgot to mark this for both mss. 1/20, I've queried Taryn. After a two week nudge in May for Venom, I've closed it as NR on 5/31. Will requery her next year. 7/5, I've queried her for Chain Reaction and nudged her two weeks ago. I've heard back--she doesn't take unsolicited queries or have a three-month response time policy.
Patrick (Admin)
03/21/2009 12:00 PM
Formerly with Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency (thanks for the udpate Esopha)
03/20/2009 12:00 PM
"Taryn Fagerness Forms Own Agency; Stops Taking Queries

According to her, the Taryn Fagerness Agency, LLC, will primarily work on "subsidiary rights on behalf of US literary agents (mainly foreign rights, but some audio and film too)." Now, my first question was: Will you continue to take queries? Her answer was No. She is not looking for new clients except for referrals from existing clients."

03/17/2009 12:00 PM
ARGENT - Now I'm confused. I would have sworn she was there a week ago! I just queried her. FYI - she's still listed on AQ.
03/15/2009 12:00 PM
Taryn does not appear on the website. Is she still working as an agent? Is she still with this agency?
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