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Ms. Carolyn Swayze

Carolyn Swayze Literary Agency Ltd.

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Carolyn Swayze

Carolyn Swayze Literary Agency Ltd.

W.R.P.O., Box 39588
White Rock, BC V4B 5L6
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Frances Backhouse
Gail Banning
Arthur Black
Kathy Buckworth
Richard van Camp
Tanya Chapman
Dede Crane
Kelli Deeth
Kc Dyer
M.A.C. Farrant
Pam Freir
Mark Frutkin
Steven Galloway
Bill Gaston
Katherine Gibson
Leona Gom
Paul & Audrey Grescoe
Genni Gunn
Hannah Holborn
Aislinn Hunter
Olive Skene Johnson
W.P. Kinsella
Jen Sookfong Lee
John Lekich
Andrea Macpherson
Teresa McWhirter
David Pitt-Brooke
Karen Rivers
Brett Alexander Savory
Barry Shell
Michael V. Smith
Miriam Toews
David Waltner-Toews
Mark Zuehlke
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
05/31/2016 02:33 PM
EQ: 04.28.2016
ER: 05.31.2016 Literary

I noticed that Querytracker now says she's closed to submissions. I checked her website and it says she is closed to unsolicited submissions as of May, 2016.

Rejection below:

Dear Author,

We apologize for this form letter of reply. We appreciate your query and have reviewed its suitability for our list given our current expertise, contacts and areas of interest. Unfortunately we did not feel it was a fit for this agency. The huge volume of queries and submissions we now receive means we are unable to reply personally and individually to any query unless we are interested in representing the author. Thank you for your understanding.

We are only able to sign about a dozen new authors to our roster each year.

Best of luck,
the Swayze Agency staff
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
05/17/2016 05:55 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
08/18/2015 09:27 PM
ER: 04/23

Exchanged emails with Kris Rothstein before - she almost always requests exclusives.

04/24 And she just requested one today. Sigh. Can't offer it to her - other agents have it, including 2 partials.
Update - I told her she was the only Canadian agent I queried, though other U.S. Agents have the novel. (2 partial requests currently). She said unless she could have it for 4-6 weeks, exclusive, she wasn't interested. Whatever.

2nd update - after much deliberation, I granted Kris an exclusive. I'll see what happens. Meanwhile, the manuscript is in limbo - though, she says that it only be about 4 weeks.
02/05/2015 05:43 PM
EQ: Feb 2
FR: Feb 5

Request came from another agent here, Kris Rothstein, who requested a 4-week exclusive. I told her I couldn't grant it because others already have the MS--who knew I'd ever have that problem? :S

YA retelling
08/18/2014 03:59 PM
EQ 07/21/2014

Partial Requested 07/22/2014

ER 08/18/2014

YA Supernatural
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Last Update:
- Closed to queries.
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