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Ms. Mary Alice Kier

Cine/Lit Representation

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Mary Alice Kier

Cine/Lit Representation

PO Box 802918
Santa Clarita, CA 91380
AALA Member:
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
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Known Clients (current & past)
Heather Barbieri
Larry Brooks
Kitty Burns Florey
Mary Morgan
Dan O'Neill
Kevin Scott
Annie Vanderbilt
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
05/07/2021 03:52 PM
Website is no longer active.
06/06/2014 06:16 PM
From their one-page website at http://www.cinelitrepresentation.com/:

"The partnership of Anna Cottle and Mary Alice Kier represents film/tv, dramatic stage and musical rights for books and plays."

Sounds to me like they aren't representing unpublished authors' works.
03/12/2014 07:16 PM
The "att" email address is bad.
06/24/2012 10:11 PM
AAR lists new address ascinelit@att.net
11/12/2010 04:17 PM
I've sent out my query on 10/28, right before my query break, as I refine Venom for a few weeks, before I sent out more. I've heard back from her today. "It didn't strike a chord..." was my rejection.

On 4/8, I've sent her my query for Chain Reaction. I've heard back from her. Same response as in November last year. I'm going to hold off for awhile, before I'll try Anna Cottle this summer.
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