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Mr. Frank Weimann

Folio Literary Management

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Frank Weimann

Folio Literary Management

630 9th Avenue, Suite 1101
New York, NY 10036
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Humor/Gift Book
Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
John Allen
June Ambrose
George Anastasia
Robert Anderson
Sean Astin
Norman R. Augustine
John P. Avlon
F. Lee Bailey
Camy Baker
Shawn Bean
Roy P. Benavidez
Lorenzo Benet
Donald V. Bennett
Sanjiv Bhattacharya
Kristin Billerbeck
Larry Bird
Keith Black
Stephen Bly
Bill Bonanno
Joseph Bonanno
Rosalie Bonanno
James Bradley
Terry Bradshaw
H.W. Brands
Charles Brandt
Pamela J. Brown
Warren Brown
Carmen Bryan
Hal Buell
Kathy Burke
Scott M. Burnstein
Dick Butkus
Dan Bylsma
Courtney Carreras
John Castaldo
Christopher Catherwood
Robert Cea
Carolyn Chambers Sanders
Tommy Chong
Sanjiv Chopra
Meg Clairmonte
Rhody Cohon
Jerry Colangelo
Paul Colby
Floyd Conner
Laurie Copeland
Michael Corbitt
Jill Cordes
Laura Corn
Michael Crider
Simon Crittle
Elaine Cunningham
Johnny Damon
Rodney Dangerfield
Angie Daniels
Jim Dawson
Roger Depue
Stacia Deutsch
Damon Dimarco
Jamie-Lynn Discala
Dena Dyer
Joe Edelman
Bill Eisele
Carmen Electra
Phil Esposito
Bob Feller
Barbara Fischkin
David Fisher
William A. Fletcher
Michael Foley
Joseph P. Franklin
Richie Furay
Joseph Gannascoli
Chuck Giancana
Sam Giancana
Barbara Gibson
Victoria Gotti
Angela Grace
Nancy Grace
Paul Grushkin
Kelly Guercia Hammer
Michael Guillen
Eric L. Haney
John Edward Hasse
Tony Hays
Homer Hickam
Ernest Hill
Neal Hirschfeld
James Hornfischer
Paul Hornung
Robert D. Hunter
Jack Jacobs
Jan Jarbo Russell
Jane Jarrell
Dwayne Johnson
Casey Jones
Katina Z. Jones
Randy Jurgensen
Gabe Kaplan
Robert Kelley
C.L. Kelly
Nate Kenyon
Tim Keown
Mike Kersjes
J.L. King
Tim King
Allen C. Kupfer
Christopher J. Kurtz
David L. Lander
Tom Lange
Judith Lansdowne
Anthony Lappé
Michael Largo
Don Larsen
Jyothi Larson
Tad Lathrop
Martin Latz
Colton Lawrence
Joe Layden
Marianne J. Legato
Amye Leong
Ben Lerner
Sheri Lerner
Lawrence Levitt
David J. Lieberman
Aliza A. Lifshitz
Alan Lotvin
Aurora Mackey
Thomas Manheim
Arnold Mann
Cedella Marley-Booker
Stephen Marshall
Frank Martin
William Martin
Teresa McClain-Watson
Pat McLaughlin
Ed McMahon
Mike Medavoy
Philip H. Melanson
Mary Monroe
Clayton Moore
Rodney Mullen
Kary Mullis
Scott Nicholson
Wendy Northcutt
Philip Orbanes
Terrell Owens
Brad Paisley
Stephen Parish
Patrick Picciarelli
Joseph Pistone
Mike Pressler
Jean Rabe
Michael Reagan
Clint Richmond
Lyn Riddle
Adréana Robbins
M.B. Roberts
John B. Robinson
Burton Rocks
Rosemary Rogers
Nell Rogers Michlin
Tim Rosaforte
Chudney Ross
Jaime Rummerfield
Bill Russell
Peter Salgo
Mary Sangiovanni
Nathan Sassaman
Susan Schindehette
David Schmidt
Stacy Schneider
Cathy Scott
Michael Scott
Joel Selvin
Robert Shapiro
Terry Shaw
Dennis Showalter
Marc Silverstein
Jessica Simpson
Gammy Singer
Joanne Skerrett
Emmitt Smith
Britney Spears
Jerry Speziale
Mia St. John
George Stalk
Mindy Starns Clark
Peter Stevens
Mike Straka
Eugene Sullivan
John Michael Talbot
William Terdoslavich
Kim Thiboldeaux
Brian M. Thomsen
Paul A. Thomsen
Conrad Tillard
Robert Tuchman
Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Philip Vannatter
Mark A. Vieira
James Wagner
Carl Waldman
Voletta Wallace
James M. Ward
Joshua P. Warren
Billy Waugh
Aissa Wayne
D.B. Weiss
Donda West
Robert Wexler
Randy Williams
Wendy Williams
Anthony C. Winkler
Bob Wolff
Maritta Wolff
David L. Wolper
Ron Woodson
Don Yaeger
Karen Yampolsky
James Zagel
Chuck Zito
Bob Zmuda
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
08/18/2024 07:33 PM
notified offer of pub 8/18

Patrick (Admin)
08/23/2022 03:02 PM
He's there spacerog, but way at the bottom.
08/23/2022 02:16 PM
Not listed on agency website
07/24/2022 01:43 PM
EQ: 7/14/2022
Email was returned with the following message:
Your message wasn't delivered to fweimann@foliolitmanagement.com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.
Query closed 7/25/2022
08/21/2021 01:58 PM
EQ 4/26/21 Memoir
CNR 8/21/21
More author comments available to members.

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Profile History
Last Update:
01/14/2020 - Genres updated.
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